
What do i need to know about a new kitten? Help?

by Guest44982  |  earlier

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I just got o kitten from some ppl giving them a way for free... he looks pretty good... i was just wondering wat i need to do know... wat kind of food, shots? does he need to go to the vet??...... also my older brother already has a cat a little on the old side... and she hates him he always hisses at him and tries to swipe him.. and he went potty in her littler box and now she wont go in there... i just need some tips and help with this anything will help thanks




  1. Hi, Definitely you will need a trip to the Vets for vaccination, worming and flea treatment... they will advise you how often, what brand and when to do all this.

    I would advise you will need a seperate litter tray, cats are generally clean animals and like their own place to dirty. Just imagine you going to use the bathroom after your brother. I'm sure it's not that pleasant and we as humans can flush?! (no offence, but I am sure you catch my drift)

    Keep his food away from litter tray for the same reason. The older cat may get used to him but it will take time, just try to ignore their behaviour, they will probably work it out. Just ensure the older cat does not feel neglected or that her space has been invaded.

    Food wise, they usually require, 2 or 3 "wet" small meals a day. Kitten food at first as his tummy will be like a baby's. Have fresh water down and biscuits at all times though. Also people tend to give kittens, milk but it's not really a good idea as it can be a laxative to them.

    Good luck with Kittty...

  2. feed him kitten food,kitten biscuits and give him water

    shots should be done at 9 weeks and 12 weeks,

    4-6 months neutering

    start flea treatment now get frontline spray or one spot on frontline

    every 6 months worm treatment

    get a litter box just for him

    if u want to get him checked out then take him to the vet

    hope this helps u out and more info feel free to email me

  3. Take your kitten to the vet for a check up to make sure they are healthy. Your kitten will need a series of shots to build up its immune system to various infectious diseases that can threaten a cats life if they ever come in contact with.You will need to spay or neuter your cat(so they cannot have kittens or produce kittens) this will also correct behavioral problems associated with an unsterilized cat.

    As for the older cat and the kitten, it is best to keep them seperated until they get used to each others smell. Keep the kitten in another room away from the older cat. Make sure the kitten has its own litter box, food, and water dishes. This way the two cats can smell and hear each other from behind the door. Older cats, especially female cats, have a hard time adjusting to a kitten, and they may see the kitten as invading their territory.

    hope this helps.

  4. Def. take it by the vet for a checkup.  They will need to do a test and vaccinate for Feline Leukemia, which is very fatal and contagious to other cats (especially if they're using the same litter box).  Also, kittens can carry ring worms (which is usually present as little patches of missing hair especially around the ears)  It's also common for kittens under 6mo to have coccidia (which is contagious but usually only to other kittens under 6mo.)  Also, if you plant to keep the two cats in the same house, get another box.  You technically should have 3 boxes for 2 cats, but 2 would be enough for now while the little one is little.  Cats can be territorial, so the adult cat is just expressing the fact that he doesn't like the newcomer sharing his space.  It should get better with time.  Good Luck, and please take it for a check up!

  5. onions are real toxic and so is grass

    buy pet grass for your cat!

    don't give him too much of human food

    make sure he gets his cat food

    play with him a lot!

  6. The first thing you should do is get the kitten tested for Feline Leukemia and FIV.  This should be done before the kitten is exposed to any other cats.  You want to make sure the kitten is healthy and not carrying any contagious diseases.   This can be done with a blood test and your vet can perform this test. It will take about 20 min to get the results.  You should also take a stool sample with you when you take the kitten to the vet to have it checked for worms.  The vet can check this under a microscope and give you the results right away.  You should not let the cats share a litter box or be around each other until you've had these tests performed at your vet.

    Since the kitten has already used the other cat's litter box, you need to clean that litter box, using a splash of bleach in water to disinfect it.  Rinse it thoroughly.  Each cat should have their own litter pan.  You may even need to set up 3 or 4 litter pans.  

    It's not unusual for an older cat to resent another cat coming into the household.  Generally in time, they will work things out.  I would keep a close eye on the older cat though because you don't want her getting overly stressed out.  This can lead to her getting a bladder infection, particularly if she's having litter box issues.

    As far as food, I would feed the kitten a good quality kitten food that doesn't have by-products in it.  If you have a pet store near you such as Petsmart or Petco, you can find high quality kitten foods there.  Wal-Mart is now selling "Newman's" canned & dry cat food, which is a good line.  It's generally not a bad idea to feed cats one meal a day of canned food.  I feed my cats twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening.  I do not let my cats "free feed."  Follow the feeding instructions on the package for feeding kittens.  It will tell you on there how much food they should have a day, based on their age and/or their weight.

  7. your kitten's booster shots will include:

    FVRCP-FeLV & Rabies

    He will get a total of three sets each a couple weeks apart.

    For items a new kitten needs go here:

    You also need to be very careful when introducing the two cats are the baby will most likely get hurt:

  8. Hi. First of all you need to know what the cat likes to eat. I would say Purina One Kitten is the best choice. You do have to tke it to the vet and they will tell you what shots it needs. Your brothers cat is just jealous now because you have another addition that wants more attention. If your brothers cat wont go in the litter box, I would get the new Scoop up, (I think that's that it's called) that doesn't even look like a litter box! It's just a little box that cats go to the bathroom in and you just scoop it out and you're done!

    Hope this answers your questions!


  9. Yea I would take it to your nearest vet and get a check up for him. thats the first thing you should do. You will find out all the info from the vet.

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