
What do i need to make beer at home?

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What do i need to make beer at home?




  1. I'm sure you want to make DRINKABLE beer.Don't waste your time and money on Mr. beer kits.They just cannot make good beer.The best way is to go to your local home brew supply shop.They have everything you'll need to make great tasting beer, and they can give you excellent advice on getting started in this great hobby.If there is nothing close to where you live, the internet has many sites that cater to homebrewers. There is also an excellent forum for brewers at Loads of info on that site. Since your a "newbie" you should start out with an extract kit. Google "homebrewing"  you will have more than enough info.You need 4 basic ingredients to make beer. Water. malt, hops and yeast. It takes at least a month to mature depending on beer style.Hope this helps Good luck!

  2. an understanding mate




    you expect me to help???

    well..... I'll look in my favorites ....

    here is one

    I have several more

    BUT why - - you can search the web for brewing beer

  3. I have not clue but you should not be drinking beer in the first place. It is gross and wrong.

  4. You can go to Bed, Bath, & Beyond & buy a beer making kit.  It gives you all of the stuff to make it.  My parents bought one & make all different kinds.  They have a MR. Beer kit.  The only thing they needed besides the kit were LOTS of beer bottles that have removable lids, meaning they can be put back on.  So go drink 24 bottles of beer w/ removable lids, wash them inthe dishwasher, make some beer, let it sit for a while, put it in the bottles, let it sit again for the sediment to settle, then drink up!  :)  Some flavors they really enjoy & others not so much.  It's just all about experimenting.

  5. I say join the American Homebrewers Association (AHA) and find out. Get the books by Charlie Papizian and John Palmer. Also look on the AHA site for a brew club near you.

  6. The absolute best online instructions for making beer can be found at John Palmer's website:

    Homebrewing can be as simple or complex as you choose to make it.  Someone else referenced Mr. Beer kits.  For $30 or so, you can make beer after a quick trip to Bed, Bath and Beyond.  That said, this is going to be the lowest common denominator in terms of homebrew.  You would be better served visiting your local homebrew shop and buying a $50 starter kit.  Homebrewing really boils down (pun intended) to a few simple skill sets:

    1. Patience: every step of the process requires lag times.  You need to have the patience to make good beer.

    2. Attention to detail: it helps to be able to break a big process into little steps and understand how they affect your beer.

    3. Ability to follow a recipe: not sure how anyone has problems with this.  But, as my wife will attest (she can't boil water) some people have a stronger mastery of this skill than others ... although I suspect, in the case of my wife, that DESIRE is the biggest component of this skill! :)

    4. Sanitation Sanitation Sanitation: One of the most important aspects of homebrewing is cleaning.  If you don't want to scrub, soak, etc., this isn't the hobby for you.

    In terms of what you need; the absolute basics:

    1. Pot: assuming you are doing 5 gallon batches, you would want at least a 4 gallon pot or so.  Stainless steel is preferable, but aluminum is okay.

    2. Fermentation vessel: normally a plastic bucket or glass carboy

    3. Bottle capper

    4. Racking tubes (plastic hose)

    5. Sanitizer (bleach, idopher, pbt, etc.)

    I think that this would be the absolute minimum.  There is a whole bunch of stuff you could buy that would improve your homebrewing, but you could get by with the above.

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