
What do i need to move to spain from england?

by  |  earlier

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i wish to move to spain soon, do i need like a visa or new tax number or anything or can i just go?




  1. I like Guy´s made me laugh. I´m spanish and I´ve seen the scene you´ve described - too many times!

    You will need to apply for a NIE (fiscal identification number) once you  get here.

    It is a requirement by law that every individual possess an NIE Number. In Spain you cannot legally buy property, a house, car, boat etc without having applied to the police for your NIE number and had your NIE documentation returned. Likewise, you cannot enter into a contract for the supply of electricity, water or a telephone line etc without giving your NIE/NIF number together with your bank details because these services will only accept clients whose bills are paid automatically from a bank. Neither can you arrange an insurance policy or order goods or services, sign on for the National Social Security, Health Service or commence a job without showing your NIE number.

    The Decree (Real Decreto 338-1990) of 9th March establishes that everyone, of whatever nationality, resident or not, who has any "official business" in Spain, must have a fiscal number (NIF/NIE) which is used to identify them on all official documents.

  2. Here's a page with easy to read info about what to do with regard to getting residency as an EU member

    There is more info one page back on schooling, opening a bank account, buying property, and detailed sections on several cities.

    Another really good site for expats is  Go to the 'survival' heading and there is lots of info for you, and also there is a forum with Q&A's from expats moved/moving to Spain

    With regard to the UK side, check with the tax authorities and also make sure with your county council that you are removed from the registery (electrol roll).  Also wise to inform e.g. doctors, dentists etc as it may be wise to take with you records if you are going to move

    On a practical side of thing - I would really advise that you visit first and not just up and leave (as romantic and adventourous as that sounds).  Go there for a week or so, but instead of visiting as a tourist, really go there with a view to living there.  Check out accomodation, check out the job scene, talk to as many locals as possible.  From what I know, the economy of Spain is on the slide, and as a result unless you speak Spanish you may (will) struggle to find a job which could make it a very costly exercise if you have to move back to the UK

    Also really think about the practicalities.  Yes moving abroad can be a great experience..... but it can also be very lonely.  Think about what it will be like without any friends and family etc

    I'm not trying to put you off, but really take the time to check out if it is really what you want

    Good luck

  3. Make sure you take a daily mail with you.........Fold it up & keep under your arm but make sure people can see the daily mail logo......When you arive in spain you will find alot of nudge, nudge wink, wink going on. You will soon find you are welcomed into the English clan. You will not have to speak spanish. There will be lots of English pubs & shops. In fact it will be just like living in England but hotter. You will not have to intergrate. Sounds fantastic. It will be home from home. Just like England......... Its funny that all the peole that moan about immigration p**s off to Spain & do the same there.

  4. If you're British, no, you don't need anything. EU citizens have freedom of movement anywhere in the EU. Tax etc would be sorted out when you get a job.

    Maybe you might want to inform the tax people in the UK that you're moving abroad though? I don't know.

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