
What do i need to now about buying a snowboard??

by  |  earlier

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i would be my first snowboard and i need help!! what do you think??




  1. Have you ever snowboarded before?  It's not a bad idea to rent one on your first few trips to make sure you actually like snowboarding.

    The best thing you can do to choose your first deck is go to a board shop - not sports store - and talk to the employees.  They know what they carry and who it'll fit.

    Basically you want a board that is probably about nose height.  Make sure you check the weight range of the board to make sure you're in it because that's more important than board length.

    You need a pair of boots and some bindings too.  

    Since it's your first board don't worry about getting a very expensive one, you just need something basic to learn on and something higher end will be too technical.  They make entry level products for a reason.

    Boots and bindings can be used on more than just your first board so make sure you get good quality, comfortable gear so you can continue to use them.  Don't splurge on a board because it looks rad or some rider with skillz uses it.

  2. First, if your going for your first time, just rent. Theres no harm in doing so. And when buying, the people at the resorts can gladly help you. if you just go strait to the store like big 5 or places like that, some people will just want to sell you things and they usually know diddly squat about the actul product.

  3. Awesome... well the best advice I can give you is to check out our buyers guide. This will tell you everything you need to know about choosing the right gear, which is way too long to write here. I think this will help you tremedously. And if you still have questions feel free to ask our staff or just email me. Good luck.

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