
What do i need to prepare for a new pet Russian Turtle.?

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I might get a Russin turtel so i was wondering what i shold expect when i walk in the pet sotor.(mony wiz an space wiz)




  1. here is a site that will show you how to care for a russian(also called a horsefield) don't get a tank for a tortoise as there is not enough air flow for them and they are usually not big enough, the aquariums are more geared towards height rather than floor space which is what a tortoise needs here is a site that will show you what type of enclosure is sutibel for a tortoise  , when you go to choose your tortoise look at the eyes and nose of the tortoises if any are gunky or running don't get any tortoise from that tank, the eyes should be bright and free from any crusts and the nose should be dry, any weeping is a sign of infection and it is likely if one shows signs all the tortoies in the tank will be infected, the tank should be clean and the tortoises active and eating, also ask if they have been fed a natural diet of weeds, a tortoise that has been fed the correct diet from the start will be healthier and less prone to illness, all i can advise is to look at how a russian should be kept and ask questions before you buy, if you ar enot happy with the answers then go else where, i think russians go for no less than $100 maybe $120, the space you need for a tortoise is for times the area of the bottom shell, or if kept in groups four times the area of the total number of tortoises kept, when you buy a tortoise always get it checke dover by a vet and a feceas sample tested for internal parasites, best of luck getting a tortoise honey hope all goes well

  2. i have one of those try to get at least a 20 gal. tank u also need uv lights barks cause the like to dig a walk in water dish and a food  dish also u need to get repto cal without it there shell will fall a part.

  3. 1. It is a Russian Tortoise, also called a Horsfield's Tortoise. You can do more accurate Internet research on it with the correct name.

    2. The best sites for accurate information are-

    - and


    3. Wild-caught adult Russians are often cheap- under $100. They are not great pets, however, because they are generally infested with parasites and badly stressed by bad shipping practices. Captive-bred babies are better (and Greek and Hermann's Tortoises are generally better first-time pets.)

    4. Housing. Russians are best kept outside in a large, secure pen. If kept inside, has a great plastic tub home design that will run you about $50 to make up.

    5. Space. Figure 100 square inches per inch of shell length minimum. An adult Russian would like an indoor space of about 8'x4'. Smaller spaces can cause problems and stress.

    6. Costs. Figure about $100 to buy, $50 to house, $5/week for food. I would recommend a vet check up and worm check, so add about $75 or so for that.

    Try the websites mentioned, and also check out for other Russian keepers with experience.

  4. Russian tortoises DO NOT go in tanks.

    They need a tort table

    or an out side pen.

    Here is some more info.

    and a group to join and ask more questions.

    The owner of this group is also a breeder so know all about them

  5. You'll need,

    1- Large cage/tank

    2-UVA/UVB lamp

    3-Basking light

    4-some items to put in the pen/tank


    6-tortoise table/optional



    1- I'm sorry to say, but 20 gallons isn't going to make it. IF you use a tank use at least a 50-125 gallon.

    2/3- These lights are used to harden the shell and help digest food. UVA/UVB- shell harden


    4- Nothing that the tortoise can climb and get out of the tank, I only have 2 normal rocks  in my tank because they climb and tip themselves over.

    5- Use 50/50 sand and peat moss..

    6- This might be the most important part of getting a tortoise. Tanks, are very bad, they keep bad hudmidity and even worse air. Since it is made for fish it doesn't retain air.

    A tortoise table is like a wooden bookcase on it's back with no shelves. Really i would suggest using a 8 ft by 4 foot or bigger for 1-2 tortoises

    7-you'll need to take the tortoise out every day  and check him 2 a day.

    Total cost


    -Tortoise Table- FREE ( if made)

    -UVA/UVB lights and bulbs -50$

    -subtraite (bedding) - 10$

    -items to put in cage- 30$

    -temp -10$ ( it sould be around 80 ar day 70 at night)


    240$- all

    440$ with tank

  6. First off, your going to need a cage. A 20 gal. aquarium should work. get a good uv light to keep him warm ect. and two dishes, one for food and one for water. Get repti-bark (or somthing of the like) for bedding. Make sure you research their diet! Also, They are desert tortoises so they hardly EVER drink, so dribble some water over their vegetables in addition to a water dish. best of luck and enjoy!

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