
What do i need to study to breed with endangered species, preferably wild cat species?

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What do i need to study to breed with endangered species, preferably wild cat species?




  1. If you are going to breed with wild cats then I suggest you study how to de-claw them. Maybe you should also study how to run really fast because they are going to be really pissed off afterwards.

  2. you would need probably veterinary medical back ground,lots of biology and sciences,I would think that a job like this is very rare and not posted at monster .com.

  3. It is generally very difficult for a human to breed with endangered species, even wild cats.  I think a course that covers The Island of Dr. Moreau would be important.

  4. There are classes you can take on line for Wildlife Conservation. I've gone through Thomson Education Direct.

    You'll learn a lot and they send you books from Autobon. I can't tell you how much I have learned through them. They leave nothing out. Anyway, you will need to learn not only the wildlife conservation side but also Environmental Conservation. They go hand in hand.

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