
What do i need to work on?

by  |  earlier

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guys say that i'm skinny and most people don't even know i work out when i have my shirt on?

p.s i just turned 15 like 3 days ago

how can i get bigger?




  1. Nothing man, just keep doing cardio and you'll have girls drooling over you...not that you don't already xD  

  2. i think your body is really nice

    dont get bigger your fine :)

  3. u r kinda cute haha but u dont need to get any bigger

  4. there's nothing you need to work on...your body is already awsome! you only need to maintain it...don't mind others saying that you're skinny cause you're really not...that would also be a surprise if you're with a girl..when she thinks that you're skinny but when you took off your shirt they'll be amazed that you actually have an amazing body...

  5. hahaha you don't need to work on anything! You look hott as it is. I think your bod is perfect the way it is. Just don't push it to isn't to good for you. =]

    If you really still want to get bigger then just continue working out the same way you were doing. I personally think your perfectly fine.

    PS- Nice cell phone....I use to have that phone a while ago. lol

  6. OMG i am like turned on by this

    this is the perfect body and you r so young

    i'm 14 you wanna get together and i'll show you some pics of me with my shirt off

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