
What do i need when taking my 24 month old daughter camping?

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going camping in the lake district, very muddy and rainy, and things so she can join in with hiking, cycling, swimming etc




  1. I packed my kids as toddlers the same way as the rest of us. Except I included extra outfits, sweatshirts and bought the bug bracelets (to keep mosquito's away).

    We just took our kids 9, 7, 3 y.o and 8 weeks old, 4 weeks ago. It worked out well.  

  2. i took my 12 month old camping, this is what i took:

    *for sleeping we brought a travel cot and a little babies sleeping bag, we also packed extra blankets just incase the babies sleeping bag wasn't warm enough, and if your baby sleeps in another room/tent i suggest you buy battery-powered baby monitors

    *for eating we brought a little folding travel high chair and plastic cutlery/plates so they wouldn't brake

    *we also brought a pack n play which is a travel play pen as we didn't want our baby walking off

    *we went where it was very muddy and rainy too, see got loads of baby camping clothing from as they do waterproof jjacketsand trousers, fleeces, snow hats, gloves etc for 0-36 month olds

    *we brought a little bathtub for her to wash in

    *if you want your daughter included in hiking you can buy baby carriers, if you want her included in swimming you can buy huggies swimming nappies and get some baby armbands and a baby inflatable pool seat, and for cycling you can buy a baby seat what goes on the  back of your bike or a trailer what your child sits in

    *and of course the normal stuff like foods, nappies etc

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