
What do i put in a letter to a guy that i like?

by  |  earlier

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He waves at me at night does he like. I know that he is not going to hurt me, he is not that type to do that. Should i tell him how i feel about him. In the last letter i had my friends put not to break my heart. My friends already wrote a letter saying that he should get with me. I even wrote one that said " don't let me slip away". Things like that. I could put the letter i want to send to him just say if you want to hear it and i will put it up.Thanks




  1. Oh God no please don't post the letter. I'm embarrassed enough for you.

  2. How do I put this lightly...Letters are reallyyyy tacky, corny, and cliche. It's the 21st century, get with the technology! (LOL) Some weaker guys would be creeped out, and they're sometimes too blind to read between the lines and pick up on signs that would be obvious to you.

    I think you either need to get the courage to tell him how you feel (be straight forward and not creepy) or befriend him and take it from there. Trust me, though minus the letters, I told a guy I liked him too early on (for him) and it was really awkward for a bit.

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