
What do i put on this burn?

by Guest55607  |  earlier

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so i burnt my hand on thehair straigtner it. lol!

its bubbled up and poped and it pretty big wat do i put on it so dirt n germs dont go on it?on the base on my hand?plz




  1. Wound Care:

    Clean the wound with bland soap and water.

    Remove all devitalized tissue.

    Remove all blisters.

    Shave hair adjacent to the wound.

    Apply a bland ointment.

    Leave the wound open or wrap lightly with gauze.

    Repeat the cleansing process and application of ointment twice daily.

    Do's and Don'ts:

    Do not soak the wound in ice water.

    Do not wrap in an occlusive dressing.

    Do encourage active range of motion.

    The most important "Don't" is: Do not soak the wound in ice water. If you burn yourself or witness a burn injury and immediately immerse the wound in ice water, the burn will be less extensive and not as deep, BUT, if you wait just 15 seconds and immerse the wound, there will be no beneficial effect from the ice water. The potential for extending the damage, caused by a frostbite injury over a burn injury, is great.

  2. You really need some burn cream and cover it for the first day or so...if you don't want to see a physician then I would just load it up with antibiotic ointment (neosporin)and cover it well for a couple of days.

  3. If it blistered and popped, you are at risk of infection. Its best to see your doctor for a topical prescription.

    Until you can see one, put on a NON adhesive sterile piece of gauze.  

  4. Do the same thing you would do if you would have just cut yourself.

  5. First, clean it with some peroxide. Then apply some Triple Antibiotic Cream like Neosporin over the popped blister and keep an air tight band-aid on it. Change at least twice a day. After a couple days, still use the Neosporin, but use a band-aid that lets air in. If you can't use band-aids being it's on the hand, place a gauze pad over the wound, then wrap your hand with gauze roll bandages. Tape it to keep it together. I wish for you the very best young lady.

  6. Neosporim works great  

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