
What do i say do i just tell her?

by  |  earlier

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hey girls im due af tomorrow but have just had this feeling im pregnant been haveing cm and lots of it, nausea ,spots,itchy b***s,and wind sorry if tmi any i already have 3 boys so just new took the test this morning and ya BFP

i am so exicted but scared i had a miscarrige at 10 weeks in april but its not that im worried about as last time i said from the begining something wasn't rite i just new don't no how but this time i feel really good

what im really worried about is how do i tell my sister who sadly lost her little girl of 14months to cot death in july i dont want her to think im avoding telling her but i don't wanna hurt her feelings what would you do thanks and millons of baby dust and don't give up




  1. I would wait until the 12 week mark (after the point where miscarriage is most common) since you had a previous miscarriage and then tell people including your sister.

    Don't tell her in a way though that sounds like you are feeling guilty or whatever and dont apoligise. Just tell her that you have some news and that you are pregnant.  

  2. I would say first thing get to an ob right away. Especially after loosing one this year. As far as your sis wait till you know for sure then tell her. I am sure she will be glad for you. Don't stress to much because its bad for you and the baby! Have fun and it sounds like your due for a girl.

  3. if i was u i wouldnt stress babies are amazing and make life worth living. with your sister it must be hard i would delay telling her because if she finds out off someone else she will be upset but eitha way shes going to be upset. so just soit down and tell her. just tell her your there for her no matter what and you love her but you cant help this situation. hope all goes well !!!!!

  4. so sorry about your sister - awful cot death at 14 months!

    also sorry about your miscarriage

    I think your sister's pain will never subside it will become part of her

    When you are sure tell her gently and let time take its course

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