
What do i say to my boss? PLEASE HELP?

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I'm only 15 and have had a job for about 2 months and i just think its not working for me. it makes me really nervouse and i think im just not ready for a job just yet. i know my parents will be mad that im quitting so how can i tell them that this is what i want to do? and how do i tell my boss that i want to quit? my brother works at this place too so it makes me more nervouse to tell my boss. help?




  1. You are only 15, it's not like this will be your career!  But are you sure you should be quitting?   A lot of things in my life has been difficult but I had to work my way through them!  But if you are determined to quit, you ought to at least wait until you have another Job.  xox

  2. Well first make sure you are sure you want to quit. It looks better on your resume when you have been working at a place for a longer period of time.

    If you are sure then make sure you leave on good terms with your boss. Just let him know that you are just too busy for a job right now and don't think you can put forth your best effort with your busy schedule.

    If they don't accept that try babysitting on the weekends. You can make good money without the hassle of a regular schedule.

    Tell you parents the same and that you think maybe you will be more ready for a job next year because you will be a year older and wiser.

  3. I think you need to give it a little more time. You are still on a learning curve, and anything new is always going to be difficult, especially when you feel you are being judged. However, you will eventually feel more comfortable as you learn the ropes. I really hated the first month or so of my jobs because I felt overwhelmed with new information and was afraid of making mistakes. After a while, though, I became so much more comfortable and confident.

    It is still a good idea to speak with your boss and family about what you are going through. To your boss, you should ask to speak to him/her privately when they have a moment, and then say how you feel. Perhaps they can update you on how they feel you are doing, so you aren't in the dark about your performance. Ask for some help/guidance that will help you improve. To your family, just let them know that you are feeling nervous about work, and hope that they will support you if (after giving it a fair shot) you decide that this is something you are not yet ready for. You mentioned that your brother is also working there, so why don't you use that to your advantage? Ask him for help and tips for learning the job. Trust me, you will get over the nerves if you stick it out for just a little while longer. If you give yourself a deadline--such as another month--and it still isn't working out, then you can say you gave it a fair shot and leave knowing that it truly wasn't working.

  4. If you think your boss will be responsive to honesty, be honest. Write out a very polite resignation and be sure to give it to them. And then tell your parents the truth. You are awful young to be worried about working anyway; enjoy being young if you don't have to work.

  5. if you dont' think its' working confront your boss

    i know it seems a little scary or awkward but you wont' regret it

    ive' been in the same situation and it ended up getting me a better job

    go with what your hear tells you and be brave

    good luck!

  6. show him what you wrote on here............or simply write him a note, thanking him for this chance, but you feel it's unfair to his company to work and not be doing a very good job....... make him feel superior & you got it made...... tell him, no bad reflections onto your brother.  he may like the job!

  7. Just tell your boss the truth. But before you quit give him a two weeks notice. A worker should give a two week notice so you can leave on good standings. And as far as your parents are concerned i would tell them the truth.  

  8. 1. Give him two weeks notice.

    2. Just tell him that you don't think you are responsible enough for a job right now and that you don't want to work unless you can give it your all, 100%, and you don't want to bring down the company or do a bad job.

    3. Be polite and explain it to your parents in a responsible way. Don't whine that the job is too hard or something.

    GOOD LUCK :)

  9. I think you should talk to your boss first. Since you are planning on quitting anyway it can't make things any worse but on the other hand, things might get better.

    But don't tell your boss you want to quit, tell him you don't think it's working out then tell him WHY you think so.

    Give your boss a chance to fix the situation or give you advice or ways to fix the situation.

    Unless the reason you want to quit is that it's too hard to do that and school, in which case maybe your boss could cut your hours ...

    But I'd talk to your boss first, tell him your concerns. Then if the situation is still unbearable you can quit, but always give two weeks' notice that you are going to quit, so you can use your boss as a future reference.

    Tell your parents after you've talked to your boss.  

  10. Just tell your parents that you are not ready for a job and that you want to spend your time working on school stuff and spending your short childhood hanging out with friends. Tell your boss the same things and give your boss a two week notice so you seem responsible. It shouldn't be that big of a problem.

  11. Don't be nervous! If you like the job, then relax and just kind of go along with it. You'll learn as you go. But if you don't like it, quit. Say to your boss, "Thank you for the opportunity, but I don't feel like I'm cut out for this job. Thank's for everything, and if you need me just call." But give a notice, like two or three weeks. Don't just quit and come back the next day, give him a date that you'll leave.

    Trust me. I'm 16 and I worked somewhere for 8 months. I hated it. Wow, I hated it. Finally I told my mom I had enough, and I gave him a month to find someone else. It went very smoothely. So don't stress!!

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