
What do i say to my cousin when her friend died?

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my cousin's friend died yesterday and I feel like i should say something to her but i don't know what. any ideas?




  1. One of my friends passed away recently and honestly the best thing you can do is just listen to her and just be there for her. Let her know that her friend is in a better place and just help her remember the good times she had with her.

  2. be her friend and the words will come when you speak to her. dont say nothing to her just put yourself in her shoes. Its hard to lose someone and its not really what you say its what you dont say. she will appreciate you being there for her but theres nothing you can really say that will take the pain away. have open arms and be a shoulder to cry on.

  3. always start with I'm sorry. Then ask her if she'd like to talk, or if there's anything you can do to help her.

  4. Perhaps write a card or send an email to her. You could write " I am sorry about you friend" or if you want to be a little poetic you could write  "May fond memories of your friend bring comfort in your time of grief." also say "if you need anything, I mean anything, let me know."

    This is what i did when my friends best friend died.

    Just don't forget that you are cousins and that no matter what you say (unless something really idiotic) she will always love you and that you are always family.

    Good Luck

  5. you have to console her and dont let her get sad then tell her that great people is every where and you can find another great friend ......

    tell her that this is the life everyone will die....etc you know somthing kinda and i wish you nic talking to her ....

    all the best


  6. Always say you will be there if they need you. The other thing you might say is that you will pray for the family. oh yeah, say my condolences to you and your family first.

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