
What do i say to my girl friend?

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My girlfriend tells me she loves me and i am everything she wants in a man but she cant get over the fact i have 2 children she said she thinks she would rather go through all the firsts like have kids with someone who does not have any yet i really love her and i do not want to loose her what can i say to her to get her to see the love and not the fact i have 2 children




  1. that is tough. but repition and always telling her exactally how you feel and that the past is the past it cant be changed. is all i think you can do. eventually she will belive you. good luck!

  2. if she loves you and if her love is real then she should love anyone else that goes along with you including your 2 children and that shouldn't get in the way of her love for you if she REALLY does love you!

  3. Try to get her to get to know the kids and she just may fall in love with them the way she fell in love with you  

  4. hey!tell your girlfriend wats done cannot be undone...if its ur fate to be together den let it be...if she still mind about your kids tell her to find a single guy...your kids is more important to you than this girl!!

  5. well if she says to you that she would rather go through all the first like have kids with someone who doesn't have any, then she might end up leaving you.

    you should tell her how you feel, and you really love her, and that you don't want to loose her because of something like that.

  6. How old are you?

  7. If she truly loves you, she would set that aside. You come with your childern, and if she wants you, she'll get over it.

  8. You should break it off with her before you get further involved. She's basically telling you to choose between your kids and her with her emotional blackmail. Tell her if she feels that strongly about the "firsts", then she should be dating someone who has no kids/hasn't been married, etc. and that she should have never wasted your time by dating you. End that with "Have a nice life."

  9. she does have a point.

    if you two have kids sometime in the future, it wont be the same because u have already been through that twice.

    it will only be special to her, cuz its her first.

  10. i think you should give up on her. if she cant open her eyes to see how much you care about her then forget her. she's letting two children get in the way of your relationship. that's not right...

    if she get's pregnant and has two kids with someone else then she's considered a s**t! sorry..just saying...

  11. aw man, that one heck of a tight pinch there. just try to be inviting as your can, you know. remind her how much you love her and want to be with her, and thats all you really can do. you sound like a good guy, she would be dumb to dump you impulsivly like that

  12. wow are you serious,she's being soo selfish,she doesn't think about your 2 children,i say ditch her,she doesn't deserve you,you deserve better,if she really loved you she would get over the fact of you having children,hmm,I wonder how'd they feel about this...hmmm....

  13. It doesn't matter how much you love her or she really loves you, if she can't except your children you definitely need to move on. There's nothing for you to make her see. She's not saying she doesn't love you just that she wants to start a family together with a man. (key word START) Tell her you love her and you wish things could have worked out better but you respect her decision. Trust me, the last thing you wanna do is force your children on someone who isn't ready to be a step-parent. If you guys stay together and have kids in the future she would probably treat the biological kids much better the step-kids. Get out the relationship now before you get to attached and go find Miss. Right!

                                            Good Luck:)

  14. Obviously then you are not everything she wants in a man, because you have two children and that is part of you. What does she want you to do? Get rid of your children just so she can act like you don't have any, and make her world perfect? She needs to get over that or stop wasting your time! :)

  15. if she loved you then she would love all of you which includes your children whether she likes it or not.

    you shouldn't choose a girl over your kids...and one should never make you feel that you should. she will only cause problems in the long run if this her attitude so early in the relationship

  16. Goodbye.

  17. If she really loves you she would see past the children. Actually it shouldn't even be an issue. I am dating a man who has an 8 year old daughter. The fact that he had a daughter was never an issue. I think if she truly loves you this would not be a problem at all, but that's just me! =0) You shouldn't have to tell her anything.

  18. That's a tough question. I think you should put your kids first, no matter what. If she cannot love you and accept you the way you are, then you need to find another girl friend. You want to make sure that you are both going to be happy down the road if you are going to stay together, and if she can't get past the kids....well tell her to get to steppin.

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