
What do i say to my girlfriend's dad?

by  |  earlier

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i'm 16 and i love this girl who also feels very strongly about me......the only problem is that she's the stereotypical "daddy's little girl" and to be with her i have to ask her dad first but the dad hates the idea of her even dating expecially because her last bf was a dou,, what do i say to him and when's the right time?




  1. well, say sir. that definitely says respect. say something like:

    "i want to be with your daughter. please understand i am not like any other guy out there." that's all I can think of but add stuff to it.

    wear something casual, but not to fancy.

    and now is the time!!!

  2. just sleep with her in secret...its fun!!!

  3. Sir, I'd be honored if I could take your daughter out for the evening.

    ---if he says yes...---  Thank you! I'll take good care of her, she's a lovely  girl (then smile)      

    Just be a gentleman!

  4. i like sexi's answer

  5. Just be sincere. Let him know that you'll respect her curfew and her. That you understand his concerns. That yall don't mind hanging out around the house so he can keep an eye on you.

    But basically, be polite and respectful. But don't be fake. And don't try to THINK of stuff that you THINK he wants to hear...

  6. So don't date her..maybe they could have you over for dinner one night where the parents can get to know you a little bit. Then maybe he wouldn't mind you dating her. If you are a desent guys that is. Prove yourself to him that you will look after her and not take advantange of her.

    other ideas; visit the house during the day when the dad is home,

    invite them to your house or out to lunch, bowling, picnic etc.. Once he gets to know you a little bit and you get to know him and his expectations of you if will be easier for you to ask him.

    Hope this helps


  7. 'My intentions are far from honourable' sorry haha

    I think you should say nothing, just be very polite, help him out and her out to show you care. Generally just be very helpful and gentle towards your girlfriend and her dad will notice that.

    he may not show he likes you, but thats his job, to keep the boyfriend nervous ;)

  8. nothing

  9. well i admire you for wanting to do that for her (and being a daddy's girl is not a bad thing)

    well i say the sonner the better because if you wait to long he may ever give you that chance but starting early gives you that extra time for his aproval

    you should just say whatever is in your heart and tell him that you love his daughter and is not going to be like the last guy and that our here to stay for her wheather it be as a friend or more and try to make it as sincere as possible but still believable

    (something like that)

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!!

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