
What do i say when I make the follow up call?

by  |  earlier

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Could you please tell me a in-depth message if you can, small messages I would accept, but I will award the person with the best phone message.

I am not good with making calls, and I am shy as well. Thankyou




  1. Please give more detail

    What situation? etc


    Post Edit:


    I've done that dozens of times. If they say their name when they answer, say the following (if they don't say their name, simply don't say <their name>:

    Hi <their name>.  My name is <your name><your surname>, and I'm calling regarding a recent job application I submitted recently. Since I have not heard anything back yet, I was wondering if you would be kind enough to check and see if there is any progress made on my application, or if you need any further information from me.

    [[[Wait for them to respond]]]

    ((Then depending on what they say, you might want to say))

    Do you know when you're likely to make a decision on the appointment of the position?

    [[[Wait for them to respond]]]

    Right. Thank you very much for checking that for me, and I look forward to hearing back from you soon.

    All the best and have a good day.

    Good bye!

  2. need more details on what your follow up call is on?

  3. You didn't really leave enough detail. I'm assuming from the category you put this in that you've applied to a place of work, and you want to follow up on your application, correct? I understand that you're shy, but sometimes you have to let that go. Well, if you insist on calling (and I'll give you an alternative in a minute), then you need to be calm when you call. Just say that you wanted to thank them for taking the time to review your application. Say you've been doing some thinking and you think that their company would be a really good compliment to your lifestyle and that you know that you can contribute to their goals. Tell them you're in no big rush to hear back (even if you are), but you're really looking forward to it.

    Alternatively, I'd say write all that in a thank you card instead of calling. Maybe get the person a small gourmet chocolate or something. That'll make sure you're remembered!

  4. them: hello?

    u: hello, my name is______, i am calling because________(explain in detail what you are calling for and ask them ur question, if thats y ur calling, im kind of confused about exactly y ur calling)

    them: sure i will help (or no thanks, in that case say thanks, have a nice day)

    u: ok, here is how u can help_________.

    is that enough? im not really understanding the reason y ur calling, so hopefully that is all u will have to do

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