
What do i study for my tattoo license in Hawaii???

by  |  earlier

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Aloha everyone,

I will be taking the tattoo exam this Friday in Honolulu Hawaii and i was wondering what i should be studying for the test. They do not give you any material to review/study, and briefly saying we should review old science books and such.

This test is only twice a year and costs $75 so i really don't want to go through the trouble of taking it again =D

If anyone has any specific info on what i should study please let me know!

So far i have been just reading up on Sanitation.

Thanks again!




  1. did not know there was a test you needed to take... I am an apprentice at a Tattoo shop in North Carolina and the only thing you need to get a licence is the health inspector  comes out and watches you set up and asks you a few questions and you pay him and that is it....

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