
What do i take to get a doctors degree in cultural anthropology?

by Guest63045  |  earlier

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What do i take to get a doctors degree in cultural anthropology?




  1. You need to go to graduate school in Anthropology.  Usually that will mean that you need to have earned a BA or AB in Anthropology.

    You will take classes, take you comprehensive exams, do doctoral research and write a dissertation that is accepted by your doctoral committee.  Along the way, you may or may not earn a Master's degree.

    This is the process in a nutshell, you would have to check the graduate catalog for specific graduate programs to get the details.


  2. The answer above just about covers it. You will earn a PhD or doctorate. It will take you about ten years post high school. Four years of college where you will earn a BA or BS in Anthropology , then grad school for a minimum of two years and then finish your PhD in three years by writing your thesis which is a book of your research

  3. everyone has good answers so far for you! However, I will add my two cents in and say that at your BA level you need to start thinking about your research. Get a field school done as well. Think about where you want to study, and look at schools that specalize in that section. If you want to do research for example with peoples in Asia, then find a school with classes that pertain to you.

    Also, think about what you want to do as a career. If you want to teach college, then you have to get a phD. If you are looking at something else, it may not be nessecary for now to get a phD.

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