
What do i tell my teacher?

by  |  earlier

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It's 5am and i just pulled an absolute all nighter to write a research paper. The problem is, that i TOO much left to do and it's due at like 9am today. I've decided to hand it in tomorrow (it's better to hand it in late with it fully finished than to hand it in on time with 70% of it finished). What o i tell my teacher? The truth? That'll be REALLY REALLY bad since it was a summer project and i had the whole summer to do it so i have no excuse. And also, i don't want to look like a dumb*** in front of everyone.

Or should i lie and say that i left it at home? because i'm afriad that he'll be like, "okay, send it to my email after school" when i still need to finish it. and he'll find out i lied and didn't finish it in the first place.

What do i say?




  1. Talk to him in private and say you left it at home and need more time. Suck some **** if you have to.

  2. Skip school today and finish it. Then turn it in tomorrow and it won't be considered late.

  3. say you left it at home.. orrr say you did it and finished it during the holidays but you made some big mistake on it and only noticed this morning so you had to fix it quickly but didn't have enough time to so you will hand it in tomorrow.

    Oh and he wants you to email it in to you say OK but don't, the net day say your computer/internet wasn't working. Apologize.

    Also, don't wait until you need to hand in the assignment to tell him. Approach him before school or at the beginning of the lesson and seem very upset.  

  4. finish it. stop surfing d internet, it'll waste ur time

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