
What do i toast to at a wedding reception

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im the best man at a friends wedding, a friend that i don't know very well can someone help me please?




  1. Generally the best man's job is to speak about the bride and groom and his relationship to them - however this may be hard since you don't know him very well?!  As the person above has said, a generic comment is best.  As far as the toast goes, usually the best man toasts to the bride and groom - but it depends in what order the speaches go?  We had my father toast to us then we responded and toasted to the attendants and then our best man responded and toasted to our parents... ask the bride and groom.  They should have some idea of what they want.

  2. You are the best man at a wedding and you don't really know the groom that well? Make up something generic, you wish them both happiness and you can see that they are so happy together. Good luck.

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