
What do i want to do with my life?

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What is life or what is the meaning of life. I've always thought is to do what makes you happy. The thing is a don't know what a really want to do with my life. ave just went into a 3rd ear plumbing course and there is a choice to go back to college and get a better qualification but its not necessary, its optional. ,And i was talking to the lectures ,and they've just told me it would not be wise for me to go bk because they don't think i could handle the course work (for plumbing) so now its just shattered me i feel the size of an ant. i'm severely dyslexic but still, ave got so many goals in life, (for example) I went backpacking round europe and had a great time which makes think about different cultures so i would maybe like to go to university one day and do a degree in languages but if a can't pass a plumbing course what chance have i passing a degree course? NO chance. So my confidence just now is so low and when a go back to work am going to get so much trouble of my employer about the college not wanting me this year, but they did say if a get a bit of experience out on site this year then a could come back next year. but its so embarrassing a must be the only person in college thats went back for a 3rd year and been told maybe a should get a years experince. A just feel like packing a bag quiting my job and go working abroad maybe in america. Life just seems so uncertin right now, its like am a question mark with out the question beside me saying my purporse in life or who i am, and am sorry about my punctuation and spelling its just a feel so low a ended up drinking at 11. A geuss what i want is some to say oh life is going to turn out all right but. a know thats not happen so a want honesty. my lecture sat me down today and was telling me how am such a nice guy kind caring considerate,but nice guys don't go anywhere in life. so is there any answers out there??? and if a quit and try to get qualifcatins to go to uni then ave just wasted 3 years dong plumbing for nohing and it would be another 2 years before a could go to university.




  1. Hi Pet... sounds like you've met one of life's storms... they are awful, but they do end. Here's a few thoughts... firstly, lets look at the 'God-thing'. God didn't invent slavery, people did. God is happy if you are living the life you want to live, and in your own happiness can teach others how to find theirs.

    So how do you find your happiness? That's a big question, and it's why we get so long on this earth! There are a lot of ways to happiness... and you get time to try a few.

    Plumbing... think about why you started this course... remember how you felt? What ideas did you have?

    Now, having remembered this, do you still feel that way?

    Life will always give you choices... dozzens of them at a time. The easy ones are 'What do I want for dinner', or 'do I want to see a film?' Tougher ones are 'what do I want to do with my life'... so to tackle the big, tougher questions, try this:

    You've reached a point where you have so many options you just feel confused and dispirited. So first, 'clear the decks'. Recognise that right now, you have many choices, some you'll like, some you may not. Organise them. I find it easier to do this on paper... list each option...

    I can continue the plumbing course; I can go to university, I can go to America, I can.... (get the idea?). Once you stop all these ideas running around madly in your head, you can start to think clearly. It may be that the plumbing course no longer serves you well. It may be youv'e learned enough to use it to finance your way through something else. If you still decide you want to finish the plumbing course, then do it! I can't count the number of times I've been told by someone very sincere that I 'couldn't do xxxx'. Sometimes they were nearly right :)), but often, they were wrong. YOU decide. Then you may surprise them.

    Whatever you do, do it because you love it! Don't waste your life 'proving a point' to someone who doesnt even matter! Do what you enjoy, then you'll have happiness while your'e 'working on it'.

    Just remember, all through life you are going to meet situations like this... the way to happiness is to figure out how to handle the situation of 'too many choices!' Good Luck!

  2. Life isn't about what makes you happy, it's what you do to make God happy. If you put a smile on God's face then everyone around you will be happy, including you.

  3. Hey

    Like it's all about plumbing? so they've pulled the plug but you don't need to go down the sink.

    I have heard of loads of dyslexic people who once it was discovered rose and overcame their problem to gain a foothold into a great life, there must be a society that you could glean help from... the dyslexic society perhaps if it exists? but you follow my thinking here?

    Life is full of adversity but the better folk find ways to rise to greater things... be one of those people seek help and be assured it will be given.

  4. Man, of what i can get from your story is that you really lack self confidence. Don't worry of what the lectures are telling you, if you think you can do it, just do it and surprise them.

    sometimes things cums as surprise, to you and people around you. My advise is, go for your Plumbing cause man. as long as they will allow you to register, if not don't give up, try to register with other colleges. I think they will give you credit so you dont need to repeat what you have arleady passed.

    All the best  

  5. Well I just thought I would put my 2 pence worth in! The people on your plumbing course have be cruel, unkind and very prejudice. Being dyslexic should NOT exclude you from academic work IF you WANT to learn and have the intelligence to study. I don't know where it was you did this plumbing course??? But I do know any decent uni in the UK has very good policy's on helping "disabled" people. Dyslexia would enable you to qualify as disable and apply for additional support and extra help. The Uni would supply you with help, lap top, support worker etc. If you have a flair for languages and think you would be able to learn... and just need some help with the written stuff, apply to uni. Follow your dreams.

    The time spent on the plumbing course is NOT a waste not if it's enabled you to find what it is you REALLY want to do (languages). Could you work as a plumber now, to earn some money and apply to go to uni next year? Its too late to apply for this year I would assume. I may well be wrong! You might find a place for this year if you work fast.

    You could speak to the head of languages at the uni and see if they have any ideas. Try getting hold of the disabled students representative as well.  

  6. I think you should base the things that you are going to do in your life by you right interests.

  7. Finish it man!  its of no use

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