
What do i wear and what guns to buy for paintball?

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ok im 13 (feel free to use bad languedge lol) and im going into paintball with my cuz hes 16 and i need to no what to wear cuz iv been shot full vilocity with a paintball (no shirt) and what kind or brand gun to buy iv been told to get angel i can only spend $150.00 so i have a tight budget.




  1. long pants long shirt and goggles...i dont paintball i only airsoft so not sure on the gun...maybe look into spyder or something like that


    ^Cheap BDUs for if you're playing outside.

    Don't play paintball, so I can't help you with the gun.

  3. Ahh whoever said buy an ion gives bad advice, ions break alot, smartparts has awful customer service, and stock ions arent very good. I suggest buying a spyder, i dont really like spyders myself but there decent starter guns. Just remember, when buying a spyder there all just about the same the only difference from model to model is the barrel, the grip frame, the body milling, and the expansion chamber/grip/regulator. The internals are all essentially the same, and will all shoot about the same accuracy and consistancy when they are all stock. Also your friend who said to buy an angel is just saying that because angels have a lot of hype and are amazing guns, but they are also well over 900 dollars for a new one. So i suggest a spyder pilot or electra or something on the lines of that as your first gun.

  4. What to wear- So it's your first time going? Don't worry too much about your clothing. Jeans and a t-shirt or a long sleeve will do fine. It doesn't hurt too bad, so don't wear a sweater or something. All that will do is over heat you.

    What gun to buy- Haha. $150.00 budget and you're looking to buy an Angel? Any Angel will set you back AT LEAST $1,000, unless you buy it used, but that'll still cost you about $800. For $150 there's not many good guns. Perhaps you should look for a USED Proto Matrix Rail. If you look around enough, I'm sure you could find one in decent shape for $150. If that doesn't work, you can definitely find a used SLG for $150, maybe even with a few upgrades.

    Good Luck!  

  5. Well, I have been playing PB for about a year I think. I never wear anything more than a sweat shirt and jeans, but now alI am wearing is a muscle shirt and jeans. after a while it does not hurt to bad, usually. For the paintball guns, Spyders for the most part are really good guns, have owned almost every kind, ex. of the best are imagine, rodeo, pilot, extra, flash, sonix, and there are more. Personaly my 2 guns are an ion and a diablo mongoose 2 lcd. The Ion is a little more in the upper end of price (unless you get lucky), But the diablo is a very nice gun for its price. I would never trade it in. By the way I get all my stuff from Ebay, just so you know.

    Good hunting, It is the best sport in the world. I am 18 and in college, and cant wait to play again.

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