
What do i wear in morroco?

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i'm in my late twenties and a woman and like clothes, but all the summer clothes in topshop et al seem a bit revealing for marrakech....

what should i wear? (i'm going there in 4 weeks, it'll be HOT!)




  1. One thing in addition to covering your shoulders and not showing your legs.. a suggestion from experience take sunglasses with you and wear them when you go out.. as it will give you more freedom to enjoy the people and places without offending someone by looking them in the face...

  2. A Dishdash or black abaya if possible

  3. u can wear what ever u want really since ur going to a big city. u can wear sleeveless or shorts or skirts it really doesnt matter

  4. ok First of all u do not need to COVER LOL

    plz do not listen to people who do not live in morocco. That pisses me off that people who never lived here answer this question. I have lived in Morocco since 2001. I just moved back to america two weeks ago. i lived there from 19-26 so i know what i am taking about.

    2nd i am arab and therefor know what the h**l i am talking about.

    ok, if you are at the beach woman wear bikinis and shorts and dresses. so if you go to a beach wear what you like.

    2nd. it is a muslim country, but not every one covers and if you are not muslim do not cover, u will look like a fool, especially if some one thinks ur middle eastern and tries to talk to you in arabic. yes we do laugh at people who do this. Don't be a social reject

    3rd. we have clubs and bars in morocco and girls there dress just the same as they do in america.  So if u go to a club dress normal.

    4th. Arabs do not give a **** if you do not cover, they only judge a muslim or arab if they don't cover, ur a tourist they do not care.

    plz do not let american converts make u think u need to cover they always say that it is not true.

    5th. even if you do cover like an arab or dress like an american, if you are white the men will talk to you.

    6th. the style there for people our age ( i am 26) is all the woman where  skinny jeans they are  (tight ankle) with flat shoes and cute shirts usually bright colors. the shirts usually are a little longer than the waist with big chunky necklaces and have big sun glases. I would suggest if its a little low cut throw a tank top under it to cover ur cleavage.

    so in a nut shell, i would suggest wearing the same type of outfit you would wear on casual friday at work. Just cover up ur cleavage and do not wear a skirt that goes above ur knees.

    you will fit in and look normal.

    **** again just keep the cleavage covered or have minimal show***

  5. Try and find some loose linen trousers, and some kaftan type tops (i.e. cheesecloth, linen or some other cool material with long sleeves).  If the kaftan is see-through, put a vest on underneath, and then some sandals.

    I work a lot in Africa and this is basically my uniform - keeps you cool, stops you burning, looks nice and also prevents unwanted attentions!!

    I'm going to Morocco later this year too...cant wait!

  6. Well its a muslim country and its right to respect their beliefs without going over the top. keep your shoulders covered,  and long skirts, not trousers or shorts. Moroccans are more liberal than many islamic countries but thats no reason to offend them.

  7. the most important thing is just to wear things that won't insult the islam religion ie. don't wear the revealing clothes you mention.

    typical clothing over there is very colourful, so feel free to wear anything vibrant and i would also recommend quite baggy clothing to save you from the heat.

  8. salaaaaaaaams

    wear what you are comfortable in.

    to be honest i would say cover up but most moroccan girls dont. i mean when you go you will see what i mean. especially moroccans from

    any way dont get to hung up on it becuase they dont care.

    it would be a good idea to cover if you dont like getting attention or dont wish to be bothered. becuase you will be attention, seeing you as a tourist they will chat you up and sweet talk you. harmless but some tourists have told me they didnt like it all.

    and yes it gets very very very hot in marrakech and they have mosquitos to. so i would cover wearing linen cotton light and loose clothing. so you skin can breath, wear lots of white reflect the sun.

    have fun!!!!!! :D

  9. Moroccans are used to seeing tourists so wear what makes you comfotable without being too revealing.  I wore capris and sleeveless long blouses because that is what I had to wear.  Now I would wear short sleeve shirts instead of sleeveless. In the evenings when it got a little cooler I wore the jelleba my mother-in-law made me.  If you're going to be near the beach at night take a light jacket cuz it tends to be a little colder.

  10. You can buy some colorful cotton tunics there, and they have cool pant sets too. Longer cotton skirts are much cooler than pants or jeans, and also modest enough.

  11. Take a couple of clothing options and see what you feel comfortable in.  Take some long sleave, not tight, tops and knee length, or below the knee, skirts as well as your usual topshop items and judge when you get there.  It's great to take things you're happy to throw out rather than lugging around excess baggage.

  12. In Marrakesh, like all big cities in Morocco, you can wear anything you like.  In towns or villages personally I'd suggest keeping it to at least capri length pants, loose shirts that cover mid arm.  

    Someone above said people here wear everything and I agree.  There is not law here about clothing and you see a wide variety of styles and degrees of coverage.  The only thing I wouldn't wear anywhere except the beach in any city (Marrakech has a popular manmade swimming area and beach) is your swimsuit or swimsuit top.  

  13. i was just in morocco with a jewish youth group.

    we had to cover our hebrew shirts and take off anything that looks jewish or israeli.

    make sure you wear modest clothing. if you're wearing shorts, make sure they're almost down to your knees. or you could wear a dress or long skirt. don't show cleavage and don't wear tank tops. if you do, people might harass you and whistle at you.

    it's really hot there, especially in marrakech, but it's not humid, so that's a plus.

    another tip, if you're american, you might just want to say you're canadian. that's what we did and people liked us a lot more, gave us better prices, and we felt more welcomed.

  14. Its OK. You can buy nice Top Shop clothing and cover up discretely with a nice wrap from the souq - about £2 - £4.  If you buy one for each outfit you will look like a princess, maintain the respect of the locals and pay just a small amount for your chic fashion.

    I have some clothing shows the shape of my top (although I am nearly flat chested, was still conscious of my figure - So, I bought a few scarfs, caftans and djelebas - I feel great in them, comfy, and at the same time respecting the culture.

  15. I suggest a djellaba.  You can buy one once you get there.  They are modest/conservative, comfortable and great for the heat.   I have not been to Marrakesh, but I've heard that it is quite progressive, so I think you probably could wear capris or cropped shorts, but I'd be on the safe side and go with a long skirt or better yet a djellaba.

  16. as you are a foreigner and it will be obvious to everyone you are a foreigner, I would suggest you not wear shorts or short skirts.  Light cotton capris, longer skirts, or cargo pants with a short sleeve blouse or t-shirt and some flip flops should be fine.  Have fun and stay safe :)

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