
What do i wear to a wake and funeral?

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My grandmother passed away today in the afternoon and i'm not quite sure what to wear to the wake and funeral. I have a black suit and many different shirts and ties because i am a school teacher. Any suggestions? Thanks a lot i really appreciate it.




  1. Since you have a black suit, wear it, with a white shirt and the least colorful tie you own.  You'll be fine.

  2. Wear your black suit.  It would be OK to wear a colored shirt and a conservative tie.  There really is no hard and fast rule about this.  The key is to keep things on the conservative side.

  3. just wear black thats all that really matters

  4. black

  5. It's not really necessary to wear black, but stay away from bright prints or anything revealing. You'll be safe wearing something you would find appropriate for Sunday Church services. Every school teacher I've ever known has very good taste in clothes. Just the fact that you're thinking about what to wear is more than a lot of people do.You have my sincere sympathy on losing your grandmother.  

  6. Sorry about your grandma. May she rest in heaven.

    Wear dark colors, nothing bright or with print.

    You sound respectful, and good guy for asking.


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