
What do i wear to my job orientation?

by Guest45214  |  earlier

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im going to an orientation for my first job at arbys (yah i know..) but im not sure what to wear. He hasn't told me what i need to pick up for my work outfit yet so im pretty much clueless! anyone whos been to an oreintation could you let me know?

thanks so much (L)




  1. hmm. you should wear something that is not buisness-like. mabe something like pants with a nice polo. i recommend no jeans because that would look too laid-back.

  2. if they hasnt told you then just go without wearing. hahaha

  3. Arby's is supposed to provide you with a collared shirt and badge. The workers there wear black slacks, so if you have a shirt and slacks similar to that, great! I forgot if Arby's allowed jeans or not, but if not, then try to get slacks that resist stains/grease (you're in a fast food environment).  

  4. How about asking the manager what's acceptable dress code for the orientation. Dude, if you can't figure that out, how do I know you'll put the right size Arby in my bag when I order it?

  5. an oriental shirt

  6. Take your cue from what the uniforms are like. Probably shirt and slacks (not jeans if possible).

  7. maybe slacks or khakis with a nice polo shirt or a plain button-down.  I mean it's arby's so i don't think you need to wear a pant suit or anything.  just try to imitate the uniform.

    but i dunno you could have to make food... hm.  you should ask him.

    Arby's is yummy.  do you get free Jamocha shakes??  yummmm

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