
What do if i want to become more obsessed with Twilight?

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Because i love Twilight but i have to keep up with homework and make sure my parents don't think I'm completely mad because I'm obsessed with Twilight. How do i do that with out looking insane or falling behind?




  1. umm im not sure wut u mean by "more obsessed" with it. i love those books too, ive read all 4. maybe u can discuss them on weekends with ur friends who have read them or somwthing or do a report on it for school. but u dont have to focus all the time on it

  2. This is what I do:

    I reread the books, so i know it all.

    And i check a fansite ( almost every day to keep up with news.

    it works for me, i dont look insane and i am a straight a student. Ü

  3. u can get the twilight offical guide. its on the authors site

  4. That's the EXACT same as me! I this week where I was totally obsessed with the series and all I would do was come home and read in my room and go straight to bed. Sad, eh? Well, yes but I LOVE the books.  What I did, after my parents were getting worried and like, have you done you're homework etc, I tried to plan it out, so when I was at school, during lunch and recess etc I would read as much as I could and then when I came home, I got on with homework for an hour or so- (yes that was extremely difficult) and then read for 2 hours and then came back and watched tv for another 30 mins and then read again until the book was finished.

    I can't stress how much this helped me, and I slept heaps better and still finished all my homework :D

    Sorry, I kinda rambled on a bit:P

    I hope this helps, and don't stop reading the books, the last one (in my humble opinion :P is the best!)

    Have fun and good luck with whatever you chose to do :)

    Sarah x

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