
What do independent observers think of this Final?

by Guest57296  |  earlier

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Did you enjoy it?

What's your opinion of how each team played?




  1. Game 5 was the game of the year.

  2. I'm a wings fan and, of course I loved it.

    The cup ceremony should have been in hockeytown though.

    It was a good final.

    Pittsburg showed they will be tough in the future.

    But you never know if you'll get back!

  3. Meaning non fans of those teams? h**l of a series, Detroit was the better team tonight, I don't think they were for the series in its entirety though. Pitt didn't look too hot all night, but they fought like h**l to get to game 6. Overall, a great way to end the season

  4. this was a very exciting Stanley cup started off boring but game 5 and tonite more than made up for it wow i mean down to the last shot wow!!! and game 5 may have been the best game i've ever seen. i thought it would be a wash as Detroit was a very good hockey team but as the penguins mature they will be a force to reckon with

  5. Detroit did what they were expected to do. Osgood with back-to-back shutouts, then Zetterberg showing off his D skills killing off that 5 on 3 in Game 4....  blasting pucks on net.

    MA Fleury was the reason it even got to Game 6.

    But Pittsburgh did show some heart and character, especially after that emotionally brutal Game 4 loss. Quite honestly, I didn't think they would have anything left for Game 5. It was hard for them when one of their top players (Malkin) didn't show up until OT in Game 5. Overall, they seemed too hesitant to put pucks on net.  This was a great learning experience, and I would expect to see them back in the finals next year, despite recent trends of Cup Finals losers not making it as far the following season.

  6. I hate both teams so maybe I'm not an independent observer, but I wasn't biased to root for either team and I watched because I love the game.  I thought the first 2 games were a snoozefest with Detroit playing just a bit better, especially in the third periods to steal those games.  Perhaps the teams were a bit tight from the long wait for the Finals to start.  After that the series perked up and the flow was better and it became interesting, but Detroit was significantly better in nearly every game.  Fleury stole a couple of games, but then cost them a couple too.  Tough break for him.  Overall, a good finals, but not a great one.

  7. It was entertaining. I think the Pens didn't played up to their true potential. They couldn't make passes, they couldn't hit the net, they played too passive, and the Wings took advantage of this. I also think that Fleury gave up a lot of soft goals.

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