
What do jockeys eat??

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I just saw like hundreds of jockeys and they are SOOOO small!!! It's crazy! What do they eat?




  1. I am an jockey agent and can tell you, that most of the time they eat 4 ounzes or less of fish or lean chicken. They sometimes take an oreo cookie, pull the cookie apart and put the middle filling inside their mounths, then spit it out. They are for sure on a very strict diet. No pizza, steaks or candy bars for sure !

  2. Unfortunately, allot of jockeys are "flippers".  They will eat a large meal then almost immediately vomit it back up.  This is a practice that has been going on for many many years, long before the ill effects of anorexia and bulimia were ever know.  The strength required to be a good jockey and the ever lighter weights being carried have created a situation that has driven jockeys to this.  With all the good the jockey's guild does, one would think there would be a ground swell to have assigned weights raised, to help this very sad part of the racing world.

  3. When my fiancee was just an aprendice jockey he just ate salads with fish or chicken breast and also he just drink water and excersice everyday. He is now a profesional jockey he still excersice every day but he eat can eat a lottle bit more bcause he doesnt have weight allowance...
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