
What do judges look for in FFA for longhorns?

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My dad wants to know what they look for in Longhorns at FFA.




  1. Look at the link for the complete rules and how they judge.

    2008 Exhibitors' Handbook

    Full 2008 Livestock Show Exhibitors Handbook

  2. Live stock shows/exhibitors Handbook should have all the info you need. Though, I am grossed out by it. I don't eat meat...anything God created has a soul.

  3. You need to ask this question under the "farm" section of yahoo Q&A (under science & mathmatics).

    You can also look it up in the FFA rule book.

    Why is your dad wondering anyway?  As an adult he is not allowed to compete in FFA.  Sure this isn't a homework question?


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

    Lives within 20 miles of 3 different longhorn ranches.

  4. Isn't there some "How to make money off the backs of our fellow earthlings" site you can post this question on.

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