
What do kids in 7th & 8th grade like?

by  |  earlier

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I'm going to start teaching kids in that age group 7th & 8th graders, and would like ideas for rewards. Nothing over $10.00. So far I only have 12 students, 6 boys and 6 girls. Any suggestions for both the guys and the gals?




  1. rewards there not kindergartners  

  2. find out what the fads are with your students. have a selection they can choose from when they do good. i had a class one time similar to that we received pogs when we made good grades.

  3. umm weell I am in 8th grade and I like pens and pencils because I always lose mine.

    So maybe you should give them supplies so they don't get detention.:]

    they would love you.

  4. my students love smencils

    Pencils that smell, they are made of recycled newspaper they are pretty cool.

    Candy is always good too, but my school doesn't allow food in the classroom.

    A homework pass, points on a test/quiz

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