
What do kids learn at preschool?

by Guest44537  |  earlier

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My 4-year-old daughter is NOT attending preschool, but probably she will attend K from September, 2009.

So I'd like to work with her for a year at home what other kids learn at preschool.

What should I teach??

I don't want her to feel inferior at kindergarten...




  1. Well it is good that you are going to work with her at home, but there are somethings that you cannot teach.  One of the most important things that children learn from preschool are social skills with same age peers and how to act in a school setting.  These are only things that children can learn in a preschool setting.  It is good if you daughter plays with other children now, but it is not the same as interacting with other children in a school setting.  I would suggest signing her up for the library story time, so she can interact with other children and adults.  She will also have a lot of fun with this. Then the stuff that you do work with her on, should be hands-on and fun.  Refrain from using flash cards, because they are not the best method to teach.  For example work on the letters by finding them in a magazine and make a letter collage.  Then find pictures of things that start with that letter.  Not only will she be working on letters but she will be using fine motor skills necessary for writing such as cutting, glueing, etc.  Games like chutes and ladders are great for learning the concept of number.  Do lots of cutting, this is something that takes practice, and is a very important fine motor skill.  Let her practice "writing" which will help her with holding the pencils.  Read lots of books to her.  Sing songs.  Maybe have a calendar and you can talk about the days of the week, month, year.  You can talk about the weather.  Let her have fun with this stuff, or she will not really be learning.

  2. just teach her about strangers and do those small things like where they ask to get in their car saying their parents are hurt. and see if she chooses the right decision. and also do some crafts with her and read some stories that have morals meaning the main thing of the story .   Example: You cant always get what u want

  3. I think preschool is just a way to get kids ready for kindergarten; they'll develop social skills, get to know other kids and make friends, and learn things like simple math and the alphabet.

    Personally, I'd think it's better to let her attend preschool.

  4. when i worked in a preschool we taught the kids things like numbers, shapes, days of the week, letters

  5. Preschool concentrates on the following areas:

    1) socialization

    2) play

    3) following routines

    4) fostering independence on certain tasks

    5) language stimulation

    6) pre-academic skills, such as letters, numbers, colors, shapes, etc.

    Hope this helps. :^)

  6. Teach your daughter the following:

    (1) numbers: how to count, how to write

    (2) shapes: how many sides, how many corners

    (3) colors: primary and secondary colors, how to combine colors

    (3) letters: how to write, how to read

    (4) music: how to sing common kindergarten rhymes

  7. spelling color names

    reading numbers (1-10)

    counting to 100

    writing first and last name(copying)

    writing letters

    days of the week

    months of the year

    letter recongintion

    pledge of allegiance

    left and right

    appriate words for school(dont use f**t, butt, etc.)



    dont hit/scream/punch/yell

    obeying teachers

    social skills

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