
What do kids learn in 3rd grade?

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I forgot what kids learn in 3rd grade and my daughter will be going this fall. I just want to make sure she is ready when she gets there. I would especially like answers from teachers in upstate Ny... lol, since that's where she'll be going.




  1. go to the school's webpage because the teachers sometimes post what the kids will be learning

  2. fractions, times tables, go a little deeper into reading. thats all i know.

  3. how to multiply and divide

  4. Cursive

    Multiplying and dividing

    Simple fractions


  5. I don't live it New York, but I think it's pretty standard.  

    Multiplication tables.

    Two digit multiplication problems.

    Recognizing and counting money.


    Spelling (of course)

    Sentence punctuation;

    Sentence structure and identification of parts of sentence;


    3rd grade seems to be the grade where they really try to build on math skills.     Really work on the multiplication.    4th grade assumes they know and they move on quickly to division, fractions, etc.    

    Visit the web page for the school your child will be attending.   Sometimes, they publish their curriculum or it might still be posted from last school year.    

    As for getting a jump on it this summer, I'd probably hold off, at least on the multiplication since there are different methods to the teaching and you don't want for your daughter to become confused.

  6. they learn their multiplication table thats all i know

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