
What do kings and queens wear to sleep? or rich people?

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  1. I sleep in my flannel bloomers.

  2. well rich people wear the cheapest clothes ever made, because they want to save their money, and I am talking about real rich people not people who pretend to be rich.

  3. well it depends on the kind of rich person they are.

    if they're the stingy type, they'll wear the same sort of pj's anyone would wear. maybe night gowns or for men pj pants and shirts.

    if they're the i'm rich i'll buy expensive type, it'll probably soem really fancy silk or satin pj sets and robes or something along those lines. nothing special.  maybe the pjs middle class people wear but more expensive or w/ name brands.

    everyone wants to be somewhat comfortable when they sleep, even the most fancy, "oh look at me im on the top of the world" people.

  4. fleece, silk limitless

  5. mmm... i dnt know?

  6. who cares, they are people bottom line.   They are not better then anyone else.  Surely their p**p stinks just like yours.  Surely they do not p champagne.   They are people..............they wear clothes just like everyone else.

  7. clothes.

  8. It will vary. They will either wear normal PJs for their age group or perhaps pajamas from the finest silk.

    I'm afraid I'm not privy to the Queen's wardrobe and the only people entitled to give me thumbs down are such.

  9. pajamas

  10. The same things as we all do, only probably more expensive.

  11. This is what the queen is known to wear:

    But she also likes silk.  Hope that helps!

  12. As they r rich they r free  to choose as per their choice

  13. birthday suit

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