
What do l cook a Vegan for Breakfast?

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  1. I'm getting the idea that you're getting some vegan visitors, eh? You sound like a very kind host-- Good luck!

    I think the key question in this case is what do YOU eat for breakfast? If it's cold cereal, buy a carton of soy milk and double check the ingredients on your cereal to make sure that they don't contain milk, eggs, honey, or vitamin D3 (which comes from wool). Your vegans can check it themselves, I'd assume, if you have a variety, and if you want to be on the safe side just buy some oatmeal, which can be made with soy milk or water. If you tend to make a huge, elaborate breakfast, just use your substitutes! Bisquick baking mix is vegan, so you can substitute soy milk, water, vegan butter, or egg substitute for whatever it calls for, and the same goes for normal pancakes, muffins, and such. (An easy egg substitute only requires 2 tbsp water, 1 tbsp vegetable oil, and 2 tsp baking powder-- put the oil, then powder, then water into your mix, then stir while it fizzes, and voila! All the effects of an egg with none of the egg.) There're many fake meats on the market-- your guests can advise you on them, if you care to go to the trouble. Or, if you don't care for a trip to the store, just offer them an open pantry! Cut up some fruits, maybe some nuts, and you have a quick and easy breakfast that anyone can eat.

  2. Fortunately for most vegetarians their diets tend to be healthy, obviously low in saturated animal fats, and high in natural plant matter.

    Unfortunately due to the fact that most vegetarian diets are healthy, finding one to enable you to lose weight will be hard to find.

    Vegetarians should look at the foods that they eat, to find out which foods are high in calories, this will tend to be nuts, cheeses and various oils that food will be either cooked in or added as a side dressing.

    There are now plenty of good books for vegetarian cuisine, look at trying new and different foods in order to extract the various minerals and vitamins that your body will require. Most vegetarians, especially those looking at reducing their calorie intake will be deficient in the trace elements that the body will require in order to function at its full potential.

    I would strongly suggest supplements in the form of vitamins and minerals, look at boosting the ones that you are lacking through your diet, i.e. iron. Combine this with regular aerobic exercise and body conditioning to both increase and promote active weight loss.

  3. whats a vegan?

  4. nothing.. id make them do their own food... its their problem their a vegan

  5. Vegans don't eat eggs.  You could cook them chopped onion, tomatoes, eggplant, mushrooms and zucchini, season with herbs, and black pepper.  Serve on a bed of wild or brown rice, that has been cooked in vegetable stock.

  6. For breakfast most vegans eat fruits, grains, oats, and whole wheat items.

    A yummy breakfast could be whole grain pancakes (do not use butter, unless you have vegan butter) covered with organic fruit toppings like berries and bananas, and organic maple syrup.

    Vegans DO NOT eat animal products, so if its not vegan milk, soy, or fake meat substitutes, dont cook them meat, or eggs, or use any dairy.

    If your friend is a Vegan they eat no animal products, only certain types of Vegetarians eat certain animal products.


    Vegans eat only foods of plant origin, no foods of animal origin; that means, no eggs, dairy products, or honey. Soyfoods, legumes, nuts and seitan form the protein building blocks, and are rounded out by grains, fruits, and vegetables.

    Lacto-Vegetarians, Ovo-Vegetarians, Lacto-Ovo Vegetarians:

    Lacto-ovo vegetarians eat as above with the addition of dairy products (lacto) and/or eggs (ovo). This, in common parlance, is the style of eating most often meant in America when people refer to "vegetarian." Lacto-ovo food choices, in other words, do contain some foods of animal origin, but no foods composed of the animal's actual flesh, or products thereof (for instance, if rice was cooked in chicken stock, it would not be acceptable to your typical lacto-ovo vegetarian).

    Pesce-Vegetarians (sometimes called Pescetarians):

    In addition to the foods above, pesce-vegetarians eat fish. (Most vegans and lacto-ovo vegetarians do not, by the way, consider those who eat fish "real" vegetarians --- you see why definitions can create divisions between people?)

    "Vegetarian Sympathizers"

    Folks who do eat meat, fish, and chicken --- but perhaps much less than they once did, and perhaps more carefully (they may choose organically raised meats). They lean somewhat towards a low- or no-meat way in their thinking. Frequently Sympathizers and Pesces are on the continuum towards a lacto-ovo or vegan way of eating.

    Passionate Vegetarian:

    As given on this site and in the book PASSIONATE VEGETARIAN, PV recipes are lacto-ovo, with plenty of vegan options, but always, always sensually pleasing regardless of how you define your way of eating. The recipes are frequently seasonal, not afraid of big flavors, and borrow notes from regional cuisines from all over the world. But PV attitude is just as important. It is inclusive, welcoming, non-proselytizing, and absolutely respectful of anyone's food choices. PV's know that just as you don't have to "be" Italian to love Italian food, you don't have to "be" a vegetarian to love vegetarian food. PV's set a generous, delicious table --- and everyone is welcome.

  7. Make muffins or biscuits, for one thing. Have plenty of fresh fruit. Make some fruit compote if you want to. If you don't mind shopping, go and get some vegan yogurt, too.

    I'm not a huge breakfast eater, but any of the above would totally make me happy. Whoever suggested hash browns had the right idea. You could also do a soy scramble (make scrambled eggs using tofu instead of eggs... just put in a bunch of veggies).

  8. Here's a recipe for awesome scrambled tofu:

    Drain the tofu and press the moisture out of it by layering it between paper towels and stacking some weight on top (for about an hour.)

    Serve with hashbrowns, home fries or oven roasted potatoes, and maybe some store-bought vegan sausage patties (Gardenburger brand makes one.)  Top with salsa.  the vegan in question will undoubtedly be impressed.

    Or, you could go the easy route and make oatmeal servied with fruit.  Either way, we just appreciate it when people are nice enough to make sure we have something to eat.

  9. Vegan Pancakes

    Greek Tofu Benedict

    Diner Home Fries

    Potato-Mushroom Blintzes

    If you put these in a google search and then put vegan next to it, it will send you right to the recipes. Good Luck and Happy Cooking.

  10. Vegan pancakes

    Vegan French toast

    Toasted bagel with Earth Balance vegan butter

    Toast with peanut butter

    Soy yogurt with fruit

    Tofu scramble and potatoes

    Oatmeal with fruit or maple syrup or soymilk

    Vegan breakfast recipes:

  11. If they eat eggs and cheese, then a cheese omlet.

    If not bisquits and soy sausage, or toast and soy sausage.

    Find out is they eat eggs and dariy products some do and some don't.

  12. * oatmeal with soy milk, dried or fresh fruit, and sweetener.

    * cold fortified breakfast cereal with fresh fruit

    * a big fruit salad with seasonal fruit and bananas

    * roasted potatoes and tofu

    * plump oatmeal cookies with raisins

    * fruit smoothie made with soy milk or silken tofu

    * whole grain toast or bagels with tofutti better than cream    

      cheese, jelly, nut butter, or vegan spread.

    * Mushroom gravy over biscuits

    * hash brown potatoes

    * pancakes made with soy milk and oil instead of eggs/milk

    Thanks for caring so much about your vegan guest :)

  13. Eggs

  14. You want to cook a person who is a vegan and eat them for breakfast, or do you want to cook breakfast for a person who is vegan, either way I don't know lol.

  15. Hashbrowns :]

  16. Here is a vegan favorite ...... = )

    Apple Pecan Pancakes

        * 1 1/2 cups soy milk

        * 1/2 cup soft silken tofu

        * 1/3 cup solid vegetable shortening

        * 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour

        * 2 1/2 tsp. baking powder

        * 1 tsp. salt

        * 1 tsp. cinnamon

        * 2 medium apples, peeled, cored, and quartered

        * 1/4 cup pecans, coarsely crushed

        * Vegetable oil, for frying

        * Nondairy margarine, as a condiment

        * Maple syrup, as a condiment

    Put the soy milk, tofu, vegetable shortening, flour, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, and apples into a food processor and pulse until the ingredients are blended and the apples are finely chopped. Fold in the pecans. Heat a griddle or large frying pan coated with a thin layer of vegetable oil over medium heat. Pour 1/4 cup of the batter onto the hot griddle. Cook until bubbles appear then flip the pancake and cook it until it is lightly browned. Serve immediately with nondairy margarine and maple syrup.

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