
What do liberal Democrats have against strong successful women?

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First they rejected Hillary and didn't even want her on the ticket. And now they slander and denigrate Sarah!

So, what is it about strong successful women that threatens them?




  1. So strong she could tackle a moose! I'm not sure that is the kind of strength we need in the White House. So successful she raised a currently unwed pregnant teenage daughter. I'm not sure thats my idea of success. Then again, I wasn't raised in a trailer in Hicksville.

  2. im glad obama didnt pick hillary , why the h**l would you pick someone who practically attacked you every moment of the campaign  . Lets be fair about this , obama isnt trying to please woman he is doing whats best for this country and frankly hillary is a career politician to me and just looking for the glory of being a president and im sick of her.

  3. I don't know, they probably think she will have her period and go ballistic. Well here is a new flash, we just fake PMS most of the time so that you men will leaves us alone. That whole, I've got a headache thing, is so overrated Democrat for McCain/Palin 2008.

  4. A lot of them liked Hillary, they just didn't want her on the ticket because the Obama camp didn't want her on the ticket.

    They do seem to hate Palin, and I think it's mainly because they see her as a threat.  They wanted the bragging rights of the first woman President being a woman, and now she threatens to take away some of their steam.  Plus the liberal women who liked Hillary do not like her because she is very conservative.

    I can respect that they do not like her, but they are blatantly setting double standards.  Not just people, some major media outlets, criticized her saying that she wouldn't have time to take care of her family with all the responsibilities of being Vice President.  It's one of the most sexist things I've ever heard.  You never hear anyone saying men should stay out of political office because they won't have time for their families.  No, they just assume the woman is supposed to take care of the family while the man is busy with politics.

    If Hillary or any other female democratic nominee has young children and a family to tend to and the media made these kinds of criticisms against them, the feminists would tear them to SHREDS, but since she's a republican, they don't care.  It shows where their priorities really are.  They are more concerned about the liberal agenda than the true rights of women.

    This same thing happened with the Clinton s*x scandal.  None of the feminists criticized Bill for how he used his intern, because they liked him too much as a president to do any damage to him.

    And a lot of women out there are saying "No woman would ever vote republican just because they put a woman on the ticket", but guess what, there are a lot of conservative women out there who really like Palin, so they need to get over it.  They're just mad that they're getting a taste of their own medicine after so many woman were going to vote for Hillary just because she's a woman.

  5. Ughh you're an idiot. 18,000,000 people voted for hillary. 1 old grampa picked sarah.

    Democratic party = party for women's rights, the most diversified party (gender and race).

    Republican's = Party of land owning white men.

  6. I am so tired of the stereotype of Republican's being land owning white men and the Democrats being the savior of minority and womens rights.

    There is a Senator.  He was in the KKK.  He was a Kleagle, someone who recruited new members.  His party?  Democrats.  His name?  Byrd.  

    There was a president.  He freed the slaves.  He led the nation through the most difficult time it has ever seen.  You know his name, but are you aware of his party?  He was a Republican.  Yep, you're probably suprised.  President Abraham Lincoln was a republican, (and he was a Republican after the parties switched to how they are called today.)

  7. I like strong women.

    I do not like dumb women.  I could never vote for an anti-choice homophobic creationist nut job.

    Yes, Lincoln was a republican when republicans were the liberal party.

    "The Bible is not my Book and Christianity is not my religion. I could never give assent to the long complicated statements of Christian dogma." — Abraham Lincoln.

  8. First of all, try telling us what makes Mizz "Failin'" Palin so successful.  Is it reading a GOP-hack scripted speech aimed at preaching to the choir?  How about "earning" the governorship of a sparsely populated state in due part of her predecessor's blatant corruption and unpopularity?  If anything, she's anything but strong or least when taking into consideration her own"merits."  

  9. Haha, wow.

    Pulling the old Gender card, are we? I love how Republicans get so infuriated when Democrats comment on Mccain being racist, sexist, etc. and then at the same time believe that Democrats hate her because she is a woman.

    We have a lot of very good reasons to not like her; the fact that she is a woman is not one of them.

  10. i think the 17,535,458  who voted for hillary clinton would beg to differ...they obviously don't have anything against a strong, successful woman.  

  11. HA, it was the republicans who pushed Hillary out because they knew if she had won, Mccain would have no chance. It's that simple

  12. women are so bit*chy towards eachother.

  13. I do not know how you measure success, let alone how you determine a liberal and a conservative, my God is also a liberal God, who gives all liberally, who liberated me from my sins, He brought the year of liberty to me. Success is when one is when one is related to God and is seen and heard and displayed in character, in deed. success is not how many people have you impressed is what you have done to please God. that is success to me. Speaking lies is not success, speaking others down is not success, mocking others and performing to people is not success. Success to me is measured by your integrity.

  14. She is a conservative and will kick their rears.They are terrified.

  15. That's a stretch.  Did Republicans not nominate Condoleeza Rice because they have something against women?  Palin wasn't denigrated.  She has the shadiest background of any politician, and it is being fairly scrutinized.  She's under investigation for an ethics violation.  That seems like something that there should be a focus on.

    mayberry...  WRONG!  The probe was initiated by Alaska's attorney general.  The state legislature voted on an investigation.  Palin hired a defense attorney.

  16. Maybe you should ask Hillary Clinton that one. Man did the Democratic Party trash her!

    McCain/Palin '08

  17. Nothing, we had a woman on the ticket long before you did.

  18. what do they have against them?

    they make their weak limp-kneed liberal men look bad.

    Not all of them want to toe the line to a woman like Bill has had to do with Hillary.

    edited to add:

    To Jer:

    you fail to mention that Palin initiated the investigation on herself!  She wants the mess cleared up and aired out for all to see.  Who do you know in the democratic party that went to far as to set the wheels in motion to investigate something they were personally involved in?

  19. This is a ignorant generalization ,what your saying is like some libs saying what do you have against a strong smart black man.Comparing sarah to hillary by the way is an insult as she has worked 35 years for middle class rights etc.

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