
What do live plants do for a fresh water aquarium

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what do live plants do for a fresh water aquarium? i have a ten gallon tank and was just wondering what the plant will do if it does anythin




  1. Until you get to the point that the plants outweigh the fish (literally), they do very little other than look nice.  When exposed to light, plants photosynthesize, using CO2 and producing oxygen, but when the lights go out, a reverse reaction occurs, and oxygen is used with CO2 being produced.  For this reason, you should have some method of aerating the water at night in a heavily planted tank (timed air stones, filter agitating the surface, etc.).  As far as ammonium and nitrate consumption, this is VERY minor unless you have a large mass of fast-growing plants.  For plants to grow quickly, they need ample light, CO2, and nutrients-- without these, they will have little noticeable affect on any nitrogen levels.

    The only ~real~ benefit of live plants is that you get to say you grew them all yourself, which in reality, is quite a bit more difficult than keeping most fish alive...

  2. makes it look a whole lot better too!

  3. Live pants can take in carbon dioxide dissolved in the water and convert in into oxygen, which will be breathed in by the fish. Live plants will also take in nitrates, which can be dangerous if in large portions.

    Live plants can also be nibbled by your fish for a small food fix.

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