
What do manhole covers say?Do they use rhetolic?What strategies do manhole covers use to communicate?

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I have a HOMEWORK essay to do and have checked out several websites on manhole covers, but haven't found any thing. So anyone have any suggestions?




  1. In Japan, the design on the top of manhole covers changes with each city.  

  2. there are several websites on manhole covers?

  3. Can you change your topic from manhole covers to something that actually makes sense for this assignment? Geez.

    In the U.S., manhole covers are made of cast iron. Occasionally, they have words on them. For example, they sometimes say "SEWER." They sometimes carry a city name. They sometimes have the name of the manufacturer. Do a Google images search to see for yourself.

    Seeing as how some manhole covers are not really a vehicle for text, I would say they DO NOT use rhetoric to communicate.

    They communicate by being round, heavy, and of a different material than the sidewalk or the road where they are placed. They communicate mainly to the workers who need to use them to access the sewer.

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