
What do me and my boyfriend need to live on our own?

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I need some information on how to get the money I need. Maybe some information on what to look for in an apartment. Thanks.




  1. My boyfriend and I are living together too, renting an apartment.  First of all you and your bf make sure you have some money saved up, most apartments ask for a deposit, which is usually more than your monthly rent plus your first month's rent. You only get your deposit back when you leave the unit, and sometimes you might not get the whole entire amount back if there are any damages on the aprtment that needs repair, so be really careful and clean up well when you leave.

    Also when you apply for the apartment, combine you and your bf's salary and earnings if they ask, most apartment people look at your salary and usually they see to it that you make almost  2-3 times of the rent amount.  You will also need furnitures, kitchen stuff, pots, plates and stuff but if you have that now that's good.  You also need to make sure to add extra expenses like electricity, internet connection, cable tv and phone line of course your groceries as well.  Most apartments pay for water and garbage. Make sure you also pay the landlord on time so they don't give you a hard time and also that can hurt your credit.

    Good luck to you and your BF.

  2. What you need is a job, and if your boyfriend has a job then thats good to pay the bills. For apartments what me and my boyfriend did was drive around the area, the we want to live in and see if they have a really nice apartment on the outside and inside. Go talk to lease agent of the every apartment you check out. Talk about the price, and what it comes with and have a tour of the apartments. Take down notes. If there is something that you like rate it from 1-5 5 being the best. Go to about 5 apartments and rate them and pick out the one you like best. Thats what me and my boyfriend did and it worked out great. I love our apartment, it has a pool area and the gym is open 24 seven. :] Plus it is close to our work. In every apartment you pay for gas, electric, and all your other things like phone bill, cable, direct tv, etc. The apartment pays for your sewer and water.

  3. Why not wait till you both reach stability in your lives and you get married? Because then you'll both have real jobs that'll provide you with enough money to pay your mortgage/rent, electricity/water bill, cable bill, etc. And will you buy an already furnished condo/apartment? If so, it'll be more expensive than an unfurnished place. If it is unfurnished, are you going to spend more money buying some furniture (used or brand new)? Do you both have cars or are you going to have to work out sharing a car and figuring out getting to and from work?

    There's ALOT to think about, consider, and organize. Make sure you're ready for the change before you  embark this new path.

    Also, because it's just you and your boyfriend, you should probably get a 1 or 2 bedroom apartment or condo with 1 bathroom. Considering you're asking how to get the money, I think you should look for the cheapest place in the safest area. If you're in expensive places like Miami or New York, you might even consider getting a studio apartment/condo or efficiency apartment.

    PS, the difference between an apartment and a condo is with an apt. you pay rent and can just pick up and leave at the end of your lease. With a condo, you buy it, so its yours, and when you're ready to leave you have to sell it, so you kinda get your money back, which I think is better if you're planning on living there for more than a year. If it's only a year or so, an apartment would be easier.

  4. What you want to look for in an partment is one somethnig you can afford. Something that will be big enough for you and your boyfriend. Preferably a nice neighborhood. I say something that you can afford cause you also will be paying for cable and phone some come with heat and electricy included

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