
What do men/boys really think of red heads??

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I like having red hair but id just like to know how other people feel about it, I have had some really nice comments from people through out my life but also bad comments which can be upsetting! I am so over that now though lol I just worry my red hair may hold me back with relationship etc: in the future? any advice?




  1. It's just hair. I'm more concerned with what's inside the red head.

  2. Hair colour is not what makes or breaks a relationship.

    You do look very nice, and provided you are a nice enough person, and have good luck in choosing your man, then you won't have any problems.

  3. I know alot of men who like redheads..

  4. yummy yum yum.

  5. On women, yummy!

    On men, No! Dye or die!

  6. u r smoking hot.. but do the curtains match the carpet?  

  7. we think we should put our underpants on in case any one sees

  8. I think you're gorgeous. I actually got a thing for red heads. I had this huge crush on a girl I used to work out with, but I didn't have the nuts to ask her out. I am a Canadian, but I heard in England, people are prejudice towards redheads for some reason. Then again, English people hold prejudices to almost anyone that isn't English :S.

    But're hot ;)

  9. i like it think it looks good, there are some men who prefer redheads

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