
What do men do on "men only" trips?

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I know this sounds like a stupid question but I am curious as to what men do when they are on a dudes trip. I can't imagine that they just sit around and talk like women do.




  1. Not sure but would love to be a fly on the wall!

  2. Mostly, drink and play cards.  Talk about hoes.  Complain about thier wives.  

    And if the mood strikes, have g*y s*x.

    Just kidding.  Mostly just sit around, BS and have a few beers.  

  3. go to strip clubs and get lap dances... and go fishing.  

  4. just hang out, bs, play cards, drink, talk sports, just get away from everyday life for a little bit and relax and hang out with the boys

  5. they go to strip clubs and have s*x with mupitle women

  6. nope it doesnt always have to be about women . Guys only usually means no girls , no s*x , just maybe getting pissed and mucking around like kids :)

  7. depends how old

  8. We do things we normally wouldnt do around women, mention hot girls, sports, argue who was the best rock band.

  9. They talk about sports, women, and how big their last c**p they took was....

  10. Relax and compare those pics they talked you into posing for, just for you.

    Burp and f**t and drink, unjudged.

  11. It's a secret....

  12. my gf hates these things.. we go to bars and get smashed with our friends its mad fun but if there are girls around they kinda kill the mood its still fun but yall are kinda boring  

  13. didnt they just make a movie for guys who go fishing with there buddy.. broke-back-mountain was it?. not sure I never went out with the guys.... it's so g*y.... like playing football or baseball  thats way to g*y.....  

  14. We hang out and drink beer and whiskey and check out hott girls. Go fishing and hunting. Guy stuff.

  15. Drink, fish, hunt ... that is about it.  I am sure if you were there you would be board out of your mind!

  16. they drink alot and try to hunt their own food and talk about how much their women is annoying them and get it out of them. talk about how their getting on in life and so on.  

  17. fishing ,beer and strip clubs.

  18. Didn't you see Brokeback Mountain?

  19. Probably alot of gross c**p, like farting and burping and God knows what else.  They probably complain about us, too, lol.  Oh, yeah, and I'm sure the only place they can have a beer is at a strip club! ; )

  20. strippers

  21. Sorry but its guy stuff

  22. They have s*x with each other.

  23. Cheat, drink

  24. s*x...s*x..s*x  (lol)  god i hope not....hang out s**+,,tt..with each themselves without having to be on about ...kitty kats..if you know what i mean...its like a week of laying on the leather couch at therapists office.....only better....we get to be boys again....without the pressures of life hanginfg over us......also we discuss our lives with our wives what bothers us..or not..and give each other advise..or just listen and let each other vent....hope this helped,,,,

  25. No they don't sit and talk, they bond by sharing experiences, whatever it may be (fishing, snowboarding, gambling, girl watching etc)

  26. we go to MAN SANCTUARY on the island of duderini. this is where we discuss and plan world events. we also hold the p***s awards where we decide who was most manly that year. there is the bronze, silver and gold p***s awards just like the olympics!....and basically, then sit around, smoke cigars, drink and slap waitresses on the butt. when we get tired there is a huge colliseum where football is played 24/7 and instead of seats there are couches for each guy so he can lounge out and nap or whatever. also with the push of a button, any guy can order up a wet t-shirt contest right there at his couch! the women on duderini were genetically altered so that they are mute and totally subserviant.

  27. It depends upon the group of men who are going on the trip.  A group I went on a trip with chartered a large boat and we went deep sea fishing.  Didn't catch much, but we had fun doing it together making jokes about the "large" catch some guys got, etc.

    Another group went hunting together.  They didn't tag many deer, but again they had fun just experiencing the "roughing it" all together.

    Other guys on a trip might do things that can't be printed here since kids will read it.  They are the ones who give the rest the bad reputation.

    It all depends upon the guys taking the trip.

  28. go fishing and get drunk talk about how much they hate being married talk about how the s*x life went down hill when the kids came along. how much they hate responsiblities taking care of women and children yeah **** like that wishing the freedom would last forever and the cell phone aka tracking device would get lost d**n im out of beer whos sober enough to go on a beer run lol.

  29. Ever see Brokeback Mountain?

  30. There have been studies done. Men talk MORE than women.  

    I've worked around alot of crews of just men. They talk more s*x than women do. They hit the bars and strip clubs, they hit on women, they use women out of town to get that extra thrill they feel they need in their lives.

    I've been on hunting trips, fishing trips and the men still went women carousing when their away from home.  I live around Sturgis. I've ran across MORE married bikers who left their wives home, and try and pick up us single gals.

    I have seen in alot of male groups though, where there is the one in the group who is taken, taken, who is happy with what he has at home, but most  are looking for a thrill being away on a man's trip!

  31. BBQ, talk about 'guy stuff' (cars, chicks, hunting), avoid showering if possible but a dip in the lake is fine, strip clubs, and vow to never tell their wives and gf's about any of it.  

    It's where the phrase "Nothing much" came from.

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