
What do men want in a women?

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Looks wise, health wise, what she does, and so on.

What makes a man think wow thats a real women?

But in general what do men want in a women?




  1. If I were you I would ask men I know and trust.  I mean you don't take eating advice from a bum right?

  2. "What do men want in a woman?"

    I guess the best answer would be a little bit of themselves.

  3. A nice smile, fun to be with and big babylons.

  4. There's as many answers to that as there is women.  However, nobody likes someone that is self-centered, whiny, shallow, too concerned with looks, condescending, or bigoted.

    If there's one thing that will make you more desirable, it would be education.  Learn as much as you can about everything that you can.  You will be able to talk and mingle with people across the social spectrum, and you won't be boring!  People will actually seek you out!  

    Of course health is important, so maintain a natural weight, get exercise,  become familiar with different types of outdoor recreation, but sometimes health is out of your control, so don't become fixated by it if you have some health problems.  

    Have a normal interest in you looks, but don't become a slave to it, just don't look like a slob.  I know women that are stunning and have dozens of friends (male and female) and they don't use makeup or dress in the latest fashions.  They just are comfortable with who they are.

    Most importantly - be yourself, not what someone else wants you to be or what you think you should be to attract a certain person.  Strive to be happy, and avoid people who are bitter and mean.

    Good luck and have a wonderful life with whomever you choose!

  5. All men, being different, will have different preferences.

    Be yourself and stop worrying so much about what other people want or expect you to be.

  6. b*****s. :-\

    Sad but totally true. b*****s = woman to lots of men, not all, but generally, I think men are visual. So legs, thighs, b*****s, faces and hair - with b*****s at number one- can all be very arousing and send the signal to them "wow- that's a real woman."

  7. I like women that are understanding of me, they are nice and happy with themselves, respectful to other people. And that she's smart and pretty too. Of course, other men have different preferences.

  8. Most heterosexual men like feminine features, having a very attractive appearance and fit physique, a woman who is fun to be around, happy with herself, not hateful, loving, understanding, compassionate and who enjoys s*x.  A natural (as opposed to artificial, e.g. Ellen Degeneres) sense of humour is critical.

    A woman who critiques a man on the basis of his spelling or syntactical errors is highly unappealing.  A woman who issues baseless attacks about a man's genitalia, intelligence or lack thereof, level of education is extremely unnatractive.

    Men vary to a considerable degree in the degree to which some components are more important than others, however, these are basic guidelines.

  9. well in the first 20 or 30 minutes we want a hot bodied chick who isn't very bright and can be easily impressed. But beyond a quicky with a playmate we want depth, someone who can keep up intellectually as well as be understanding of our differences without taking it personally.

    Looks fade so if its a long haul relationship both partied better bring more than a hot bod to the table.

    the old saying is we want June Cleaver in the living room and Traci Lords in the bedroom.

  10. Opposites attract....and I don't mean men & women or magnetic poles.  My wife & I have been in a happy stable marriage for 22 years, and we are NOTHING alike except for our shared Christian faith.....I'm a daredevil who works outside construction and walks high steel, one mistake on the job and I could be killed.  My wife used to be a legal secretary and ALWAYS does the speed limit, she's even a Sunday School teacher.

    When we were dating, (considering marriage) we went to these "premartial" classes at church.......they were NOTHING like I expected.....Speaking to a roomful of engaged couples, the pastor asked us if salt goes with salt or pepper,  then he asked how exciting life would be if your partner ALWAYS AGREED with everything you ALWAYS want to do....

    Of course, common interests bring us together, but an appreciation of differences is what keeps ANY relationship alive & vibrant.

    What do men want in a woman?  (If it were just b*****s or some other physical attribute, then, statistically, we should be able to find women well endowed with these certain attributes that seldom to never get divorced, shouldn't we?)  Answer: God did a FINE job of making women beautiful,  but there IS NO single physical or any other type of attribute that can guarantee happiness.  Why do rich, beautiful, movie stars often change husbands/wives as often as they change starring roles? Of course, every man wants a beautiful wife, but many of us will define that VERY differently from each other. Sometimes it may ONLY be in the eyes of the beholder, but isn't that what love is all about? I've seen women who were very plain looking, but they had a friendliness and self confidence that were very attractive.....Isn't PERSONALITY a part of most beauty contests?

    Well, what do women want in a man?  I think we all seek partners who, we feel, complete us in some manner where we feel a need. Probably most of us have a need for security, (men and women define this differently), emotional AND physical needs, financial stability, and common interests, or differences. Don't WOMEN seek MEN who meet THEIR needs, whatever those needs are? Why would men NOT DO the same?

    My wife never rode on a motorcycle before we met. I got her on my bike, and to try hot mexican food and chinese food, now she loves them.  I would say I'm the adventure in her life, and she is the stablilty in mine. Of course, if you would get to know us a little better, she says she keeps me out of jail, and I keep HER having fun.....


  11. The traditional answer is "an angel in the kitchen, and a w***e in the bedroom".

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