
What do mexican soccer fans yell at the goalkeeper? ?

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like in the national team when a goalkeeper faces mexico they fans yell sumthing at the goalkeeper wat is it?




  1. This is going to be as famous as the Mexican Wave.

  2. "Ese no es un Portero es una p**a de Cabaret"

  3. p u t o

  4. Chiva fans in el Jalisco started that....i think its funny.

    but they yell out "aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh P U T O!"

    ive done it before when ive gone to games.....

  5. Whoever started this is brilliant and should get a Nobel Peace Prize.

    I predict it will spread to other countries and become a worldwide thing within 5-10 years.

    ANOTHER Q: About when did it start?

  6. yeah you got your answer

    i think its really funny everytime they do that

    i wonder what the goalkeeper thinks ?

  7. eres p**o!!!!!!

  8. puuutooooooos ,   it was funny at the olimpics , when the woman mexican volleyball team was playing, the people yell putooss when the opposite team served , lol tht was cool haha

  9. This has gotten really popular in Mexico...

    When the goalie is about to kick the ball, everybody has their arms stretched out in front of them and wiggle their fingers... like a zombie, and they say "aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh" or "ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh" i've heard both ways..... and as soon as he kicks the ball every body yells "PPPUUUUUTTTTTOOOOOOOOOOO" and they throw their arms up....

    The Mexican fans were doing this in the world cup.... that's how popular this has gotten.....

  10. p   u   t    o

  11. They wave there hands in the air

    When he is taking his steps they go AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH

    When he kicks they go PUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTO

  12. Something that rhymes with Pluto.

  13. they yell the same thing that people yell at obama PPPPUUUTTTOOO

  14. pppppppppuuuuuuuuuuuutttttttttttttttoooo...

  15. it P_U_T_O  

  16. puuuuutoooo

  17. My Mexicn friend told me it's


  18. Miguel your not so smart.

    It wasn't started in the Mexican National Team.

    I forgot, it's either Chivas or Chaflas not the Seleccion.

    But Yeah.


  19. They yell p**o

  20. I am pretty sure about this answer.

    Those that said started with the national team are correct. It started during the pre-Olympic tournament in Guadalajara when Mexico beat the USA( about 4 years ago or more). So basically it started in Guadalajara. Then it was adopted by some teams. In reality now Chivas is the only team that does it constantly besides the National Team. I have seen it being done by other teams but its not so constant.

    But i think is so cool when is done by the national team. With chivas its ok, but i think it gives it more meaning when it is with the TRI

  21. Something that is like Pluto and Punto, you know, take the common letters of those two words and in that same order. It means "male prostitute" in common spanish, and is like a common insulte for males in Mexico. That also happens in the mexican league, with the visiting team's goalkeeper.  

  22. they are simply saying..... good luck to the keeper..........

    they dont want to or dont insult the keeper.....

    we would never do that.................

    i noticed they are saying good luck at the home depot center also...........

    and chicago fire's stadium also.

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