
What do monster energy drinks do to you?

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how are they bad for you




  1. Monster energy drinks are similar to most other energy drinks. They provide energy through several stimulants. These stimulants work on different parts of the body too. They technically are not really bad for you but it simply is becuase people drink too much. You should only have 1 - 2 a day and the big cans are 2 or even 3 servings.

    Ingredients can get a bad rap but it is often because people get the tiniest bit of information then use that as if it were all there was to know and prove how little they know by spreading it around.

    Sugars. Sucrose, glucose, and High Fructose Corn Syrup are sugars and give a ton of calories per serving. They cause a sugar rush and a crash later too. It is better to reduce these sugars when possible as we simply don't need as much as we consume.

    Caffeine. People say it causes crashes and jitteryness but that is false. That comes from sugar. Caffeine takes more water to process than a caffeinated beverage contains so it actually dehydrates us. This can make the sugar crash more intense. When we are dehydrated we become tired and lethargic. Also once we start to hit 300 mg of caffeine a day it starts to cause many other health problems too. Some short them easy to fix, others from long term use. However we do need caffeine and should take in 150 - 200 a day.

    Taurine. People claim that is from urine or bile. Initially it was derived from bull bile. That is how the first energy drink Red Bull got it's name. However, taurine is an amino acid that makes up all other amino acides. It is found in the heart, skeletal muscles, nervous system, white blood cells, and of course bile. It is necessary in bile to help us along with B vitamins to process oils and fat soluable nutrients. This is one of the few things that is not found in any plant but can only be attained from animals.

    Guarana. People say that this is really bad for you too. It is not. It is a good stimulant that increases stamina and endurance and helps to prevent fatique. Athletes like it. The thing that is bad about it is that the caffeine level in it is very high. This is the only reason why healty energy drinks do not use it. They simply are trying to keep caffeine levels low so they don't use it for that reason.

    Ginseng. Some people still think this is bad too. It can change your blood pressure, both lower it or raise it but in moderation and with other foods and drinks that should not be an issue unless you have heart problems. Plus there was a problem with ginseng several years back. However that was the American type only. The asian ones were safe and there was no reason to worry about those.

    As you can see there is cause to have some concern about each of these major ingredients found in most energy drinks. After all they are much like suped up sodas which have always been said to be bad for us too. But again moderation comes into play here. Now each of these ingredients are necessary for us so in proper doses they will not harm us unless we are actually allergic to one of them.

  2. make you feel better

  3. I Drink The big cans and i don't feel anything but once u feel energized then stop drinking becouse it will mess up ur body

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