
What do mosquitoes do to help humanity?

by  |  earlier

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ok i HATE misquitoes with a pasion! i know worms create silk and eat bugs that eat plants thats their way to help humanity, but what do misquitoes do? what would happen if they went extinct?




  1. i don't think they have any help to humanity...mosquitoes bring diseases such as malaria and dengue...i have one cousin he died of dengue three years ago...most of the victims of dengue diseases are children because they are very prone and very weak. nothing will happen if they went extinct.

  2. At the very least, they are a food source for other organisms.

  3. Nothing.  They spread malaria, denge fever, meningitis, and several other nasty diseases.  But they do feed the frogs, birds, some fish, etc.

    The problem is that in our zeal to eradicate them, we are killing off a whole lot of beneficial insects.

  4. Spread disease, and weed out the week so only the strong survive

  5. Mosquitoes are important to fish as, when in the larval stage, they are aquatic organisms and a big source of food for fish.

    In the adult stage, besides drinking your blood and playing havoc by spreading disease to warm blooded organisms (FYI ... Organisms, like mosquitoes, that carry other disease causing organisms are called vectors), mosquitoes also depend on flower nectar as a major source of food and, just as with bees, they then inadvertently aid in the pollination of plants.

  6. They are the cause for many mosquito repellants and mosquito repelling creams that ppl often buy during rainy seasons and the sales of these items is the cause of income for many...

    if mosquitoes were instinct then many diseases like dengue fever, malaria and all would have never existed and also the drugs and medicines against their prevention would also have never been made...

  7. i wish they would go extinct. nut im not sure what would happen if they did. i know bats eat them. but i have 8 big mosquito bites right now and they itch like crazy!!

  8. Mosquitoes may be an unpleasant, annoying pest to deal with.  But they are a key link in the food chain, and their extinction would entail the loss of a major food source for their predators (fish, frogs, and other reptiles).  And if they starve and die, it creates a huge hole in the food chain that would devastate ecosystems and would be dire to the human food supply.

  9. Well, nothing really i don't think.

    If you beilive in the bible im pretty sure they were part of the plauge.

  10. Mosquito efforts thin the herd. If malaria and other mosquito-borne causes of death weren't so successful, many more would die of starvation. In addition, there's such a glut of this (humanity) that the value human life is essentially nothing.

  11. this might get deleted as I am not replying to your question but to get rid of the bites  put some ammonia on some toilet paper and on the bite. Keep it there for 2 minutes, it sucks out all the itchy stuff.

  12. What are the benefits of mosquitoes?

    Benefits are in the eye of the beholder. Everything in nature occupies an important place. From most public stand points mosquitoes don't have much use. However, mosquitoes pollinate flowers, and provide an important food source for a wide range of creatures such as fish, turtles, frogs, birds, and bats.

  13. zero

  14. They do what you cannot do..! yes,they can bite your enemy/ one can be happy tat one's hated is getting bites from our friend mosquito(enemy of enemy is friend)..or we can have it in this way..if mosquitos extinct,then their grandchildren will study about humans in their history or our grandchildren will learn about mosquitos in history..

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