
What do mosquitos eat?

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I have mosquitos inside my condo. How do I get rid of them without "bug-bombing"?




  1. Males are smaller and feed on nectar. Females are larger and feed on Blood. Make sure all the water on your land is not still, if it is, try to dump out the water.

    Im going to give u a link from Illinois Department of Health, it tells you to avoid bites, ways to reduce the population, etc.

    Hope i help!

  2.   Male mosquitos eat sap and the female eats blood.

  3. bugspray EVERYWHERE and then spray an air freshener to get rid of the bugspray smell

  4. mosquitos drink our blood!!! you could go and buy these special candles candles which have stuff in them that repels bugs once they are lit, you can also buy these things that you plug into a socket which slowly burn a (mosquito pad) this also repels mosquitos. they aren't expensive either thats probably ur best option. or just leave your windows closed at night  

  5. Mosquitos eat nectar from flowers.  Female mosquitos also drink blood to get nutrients to develop eggs.

  6. mosquitoes feed on blood...

    in order to prevent them, get rid of anything that has standing water.  IE tires, containers, buckets.  They lay their eggs in stagnant water.  

    You can also use special netting that will keep bugs outside, but let air through.  the website below has some good information on the topic
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