
What do most fox eat?

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What do most fox eat?




  1. Foxes are generally omnivorous and though they prefer meat, they also eat nuts, berries and any sort of fruit. It is not uncommon for them to eat vegetables and even grains. Many species of fox (especially Red Foxes) tend to prefer living close to human settlements especially farms. They are smart animals and realize that this is a hunting haven for them as they have access to mice, rabbits as well as the farmer’s poultry and crops.

  2. rats!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Rodents, birds, reptiles, dead animals, insects, spiders, stuff in your compost bin, earthworms human trash, rabbits and hares.

  4. Red foxes live in most areas of the US and Canada, except the southwest and parts of Texas and Alaska. They like open fields and wooded areas. They are usually nocturnal (night animals), starting to hunt at sundown. Red foxes are opportunistic feeders. This means they eat pretty much anything they can find. Their diet changes with the seasons. In the summertime, when there are lots of bugs and fruits, foxes eat grasshoppers, beetles, crickets, berries, nuts, and grains. In the wintertime, when the bugs and fruits are gone, they eat small animals like mice, rabbits, birds, turtles, eggs, and even dead animals like road-kills. They will also eat your trash. Many foxes are starting to live in and around neighborhoods like raccoons. Sometimes, if they live near a farm, they will kill and eat a few chickens. Farmers used to shoot foxes for this, but today, they know that foxes help by eating the mice and grasshoppers that would damage their crops. Many foxes live near people because they can find a lot of food in a small space. (Unfortunately, they can also get hit by cars more easily.) In the wild, foxes need a much bigger space. They have a home range of one to five miles. Red foxes move over that range looking for food, usually hunting alone. They use urine (pee) to mark a spot they have already checked for food. It’s like leaving a note to remind themselves not to check there again. Red foxes can be very territorial, fighting other foxes that come into their area. Their senses of smell, eyesight, and hearing work together to help them find tiny mice scurrying through the tall grass. When they think they’ve found the mouse, they pounce on it, grabbing it with their paws.

    I hope it helps!! =]

    --Mae Chan
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