
What do most scientists believe about anthropological global warming?

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I said it three times without smiling. You owe me 5 bucks, bub.




  1. I've never seen that word in my life, Anthropological.

    I'll bet you can't say it 3 times really fast without smiling.

    Strange, you responded back to my answer, how come you didn't even give me a thumbs up?

  2. The main points that most would agree on as "the consensus" are:

       1. The earth is getting warmer (0.6 +/- 0.2 deg C in the past century; 0.17 deg C/decade over the last 30 years)

       2. People are causing this

       3. If GHG emissions continue, the warming will continue and indeed accelerate

       4. This will be a problem and we ought to do something about it

  3. I listen to Fox news and talk radio all the time and I know that there's a perfect 50-50 debate between the believers and non-believers. Since science is just people's opinion (carrying no more weight than any other opinion) I don't care how many scientists believe what they do. I don't care if "the rest of the world believes in AGW' because the rest of the world are all commies and socialists anyways. It's been really cold where I live the last two months and I don't see any sign of global warming. Al gore is a fool, and that should tell you something about all this global warming garbage. He is making a fortune off it, and those fake science organizations and scientists pretend to believe it because people in black suits and sunglasses come to their houses and bribe them with money or threaten to destroy their careers. It's all a liberal conspiracy!

  4. There are esteemed scientist on both sides of the issue. In my opinion (and stated by many scientist), many of the pro AGW scientist are using it to increase their grant money. Currently, billions are going into pro-AGW studies (compared to many times smaller amount into anti AGW studies). The scientist are using this opportunity to cash in on easy grant money.

    Also, imagine the fate of the IPCC if they came out and said AGW is not true and the warming is natural. They would be out of a job the next day. The "deniers" lose grant money and are publicly attacked in the media. They have nothing to gain, but are willing to stand up for their scientific conclusions. The pro-AGW scientist have a huge self interest in keeping the farce going as long as possible.

  5. ALL major scientific organizations supports the main principle of the AGW theory. Only a few individual scientists (and even if those individuals may be counted in hundreds there is still a very few percentage of the total) and some think tanks thinks otherwise.

  6. For beginners:

    For more details:

  7. It might be helpful to list some of the things that are NOT true about AGW.  Just click "next" to sequence through them.

  8. There is no telling.  If you listen to Algore, the debate is over and a bajillion scientists have reached a consensus that AGW is going to doom our planet.  In reality, there are thousands of accredited scientists that do not believe AGW.  There was a big meeting in NYC a few weeks back, but you probably didn't hear about that because the mainstream media ignored it since it doesn't fit with their political agenda.

    The sad fact is that there is money to be made off of the fear of AGW.  Grants for scientists and profits from carbon offsets abound.  The people with the most to gain from the alarmism are the ones pushing it.  Is it coincidence that Algore has invested in carbon offset companies?  Isn't it kind of unethical to make a fear-mongering movie and not tell anyone that he stands to profit millions off of the fear?

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