
What do most women want?

by  |  earlier

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give ideas such as cloths, rings,ect.




  1. Love....i believe i will never find it but i can only hope

  2. Money.

  3. necklaces.:)

    but honestly, you should think about giving abstract things like love, care. etc. :)

  4. Money

  5. They want a MAN that can get those items for them!


  6. Yer Money

  7. it depends on what shes like...

  8. women love clothes but they have to b cute  

  9. Cloth.  Yards and yards of cloth.  Polyester double-knit if you can get it.

  10. Women want many things. .  . ! But here are some ideas concerning clothes etc.

    A timeless piece is always good, like a beautiful piece of jewellery we can wear with most of our wardrobe any time of the year whatever's in fashion! Like a gold necklace etc.

    I'd also love a Chanel black quilted bag with the gold chain, because they're basically a fashion staple whatever's in trend.

    Another safe bet is a gorgeous little black dress, which is a must for any womens' wardrobes!

  11. The basic needs to sustain life?

    Food, water, oxygen etc.

  12. A relationship like the one in "The Notebook". HA...

    Or to be romantic if you save their emails or letters compose them into a book with binding and a hardcover etc.  Call it something personal.  

  13. Women are fickle, they have really no idea, but they will act very indignant if you tell them son.

  14. Juicy Coutur,.fendi, gucci ,prada, bags,jewelry. and diamonds!!

  15. ORGASMS!!!

  16. RedBulls.

  17. she want dat a prsn come to her nd make a physical relationship with her,nd money mostly.

  18. Love, laughter, fun, pets or....

    wine, pizza, orgasms, video games and jewellery :-D

  19. pffft clothes and rings NO WAY!!! i am a women and all i want is beer and computer games.... so i guess you have to ask the individual just cause we are women doesn't mean we all want the same thing :) although who would pass up a beer and games??



  20. Equality between the sexes and peace on earth, and if you can't manage that single-handedly, a silver rolls-royce and a collection of haute-couture handbags.

    Honestly, what sort of a question is 'what do most women want?' We're all different, in case you hadn't noticed. So some girls are going to be delighted if you remember to put the toilet seat down, and others are going to be a bit more demanding.

  21. honesty, consideration, love, understanding

    someone to:


    help pay the bills

    buy her stuff

    help cleaning up the house, taking care of the kids

    change a flat tire, take the car for tune ups and oil changes

    thinks about her

    spends more time with her than his friends

    . . . and a nice pipe to lay down at naughty time. lol

  22. Cat ears! I would be happy with just that! I plead my Egyptian Goddess Bast to dance with me. :)

  23. I'm answering the question as is; however, it will not pertain to me personally. They want money, lots of money, good s*x, a guy who they can talk to, one that is going to share his feelings with them, the man with them, the man to call them, the man to put them first at all times. Yes, jewelry will suffice, expensive clothing, and arm candy.

  24. all women want is attention and something meaningful

  25. Well, you don't have to give a material gift, as most women appreciate genuine care from her man.

    To show her how much you care, Think about her hobbies and favourite things (i.e. She needed more of this, she said that was her favourite, she loves doing this...) and buy her something related to that, to show you pay attention to her

    Something really romantic is if you bought her a solid gold/silver ring with her birthstone in it or her favourite colour gem.

    Oh, or you could get tickets to a live show or concert of someone she likes. Even a voucher or a trip to the nearest spa, be imaginative, good luck!

  26. The setup for Rock Band.

    A kitten.

    A silver ring.

    Nice bedding.

    A laptop, since her friend fell on her old one and smashed it.


  27. Here's my advice to you.  NEVER buy a woman clothes unless you know the EXACT items she wants. Women can be very, very picky about their clothes.  Really there isn't one blanket group of items that all women like, you have to pay attention to her personality and figure out what she likes (that alone will win you more points than any gift by itself ever would).  Some women really like jewlery, but if your girl doesn't wear alot of jewlery then I'd skip that at least at first.   Some really like books, tickets to see one of her favorite bands in concert or one of her favorite plays might be good.   Flowers and chocolates are always a nice touch to anything.   Basic the woman to figure out the perfect gift.

  28. a cute gold locket necklace.or find out what her favourite stone is and find a nice gold or silver ring for her.earrings are good too.

    i wouldnt reccomend buying clothes for her without here though.becaus ethey coukld be hideous but she doesnt want to hurt your feelings.nice restaraunts are nice 2.or chocolates.

    ...or a PUPPY! or KITTEN!

  29. Every woman has her own needs, may it be a powerful, healthy handsome man. money., good education, status or other alike things.

  30. Candy.  

  31. well we want good s*x ofcourse, somone funny, fun to laugh with ,

    hang out with as a lover and a friend , somone to talk to who will actully listin , somone who is there for u and just care's about u and not just doing it beacuse they wanna sleep with u just doing it cause

    they love u ! now that is What women want  not little girls

    WOMEN!! LOL ohh and we like money!! and carzzz ahaha

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