
What do motorcycle riders do when it rains?

by  |  earlier

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I never thought about it until today. That makes you want to buy a car!




  1. If you've ever had a passenger in a wet tank-top you wouldn't want a car.

  2. clearly rider will have to make a pit stop. but until rider could see one he'll have to slow down his speed because he would not want to risk getting into an accident....

  3. "What do motorcycle riders do when it rains?"... We get soaked, you cager.

  4. Weekend Warriors, i.e. "wannabes" will not ride if there is even a chance of rain (see above).  They prefer to be out only if the temperature is between 65F and 80F, there are no clouds in the sky, no wind, and the sun is up.  Then they twist the throttle and pretend to know what they're doing.

    The rest of us simply wear appropriate gear or get wet.  We ride year round, and unless the temps are under 20 degrees or there is actually packed snow on the road, I ride.

    You can tell who the real riders are when the weather turns bad, because they will be the ones still on the roads!

  5. They get wet.

  6. They ride in the rain.  "Live to ride,  Ride to live!"

  7. Stop under a overpass and put on rain gear if they have it. Or stay under the overpass till it let up.

  8. I get wet.  It's not a big deal really, I always dry off.

  9. i ride a wet motorcycle when it's raining

  10. If it's a short shower, I park under a bridge and wait it out. If it's not going to let up, I just ride home wet.

  11. they get wet...

    even the best wet weather gear lets water in after an hour or so.....

    but thats all part of the fun...

  12. Let it...!!!!

  13. It I know it will rain, I take my car.

    If I'm already out, and it starts raining, I may try and wait it out.

    Otherwise I just ride slow and safely - get wet.

    Good Luck...

  14. Ride...... till I dry off!!!

    (Slowly and safely when it rains. Try it, once you feel that machine between your legs, air and the open road....!@$# the car)

  15. Get wet

  16. I am prepared for riding in the rain

    I carry a 2 piece rain-suit, plastic booties and latex gloves

    I have riding gloves that have a windshield wiper on the left hand that I use to wipe the shield of my full face helmet

    I have a bike with forward fairing and a windshield that keeps most of the rain off of me

    I coat the electrical connectors of my bike with di-electric grease so the rain doesn't get into the electrical system of my bike and cause problems

    I use the best brand radial tires that give the best traction possible on wet roads

  17. there are rainsuits for riders. thise of us smart enough to have a full face helmet are also protected from the rain on our heads

  18. I ride in the rain, but it requires allot of extra care, and it's much easier to fall. It can also influence your choice of bike, as big torquey twins and sport bikes are more a handful in the rain than say, a BMW 650 single or a dual sport. You have to get a full set of textile riding clothes and boots, or you will freeze and/or get soaked. If you plan to ride allot in the rain it's nice to have belt or shaft drive, as the chain will have to be re-lubed every time you ride in the rain. Motorcycles are great second vehicles, and lousy only vehicles.

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