
What do my dreams about splitting with my boyfriend mean?

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I am deeply in love with my boyfriend and have been for the past year, we both love each other so much and everything is perfect. And would be so heartbroken if we spilt up. Except...

We both have dreams, about us splitting up, cheating, separating, argueing, and just bad things, ive never had a "nice" dream about us?

How come?




  1. What a coincidence that I had the same kind of dreams for an entire week few months ago! This usually tells the fate of how this relationship can come to an end. It might also mean to some unconscious dislike for one another. But if it does happen, let me tell you something: Love must always exist with Hatred. If one has too much and little of the other, everything can go just out of harmony of it's balance. Don't love someone too much, I advise. Because to every love, there is always equal hatred somewhere.  

  2. Maybe cause you are both so nice to each other during the day that the other things come out at night or your both scared the other one will leave.

  3. It means you're likely to really do so!

  4. i think its because you both don't talk to each other about something not sure what it is but you both think it minor when it doess come out you both be fighting

    just tell  

  5. Maybe you both wonder sometimes if it is just too goo to be true? Or perhaps you just play out in your dreams possible scenarios? Possibly you hear of other couples and their arguments and discuss them between yourselves and that is in your mind somewhere. Of course there is always the possibility that you are papering over the cracks in  your own relationship and don't discuss things you know will cause an argument or neither wants to upset the other so one of you  always  gives in to keep the peace. Maybe because  you tell yourselves it is because you compromise when deep down it is at the sacrifice of one or the other's needs or wants. Some possibilities there?

  6. hmm sometimes bad dreams means something good instead

  7. Sounds daft, but maybe it's because you're actually worried about loosing him?  

  8. this probably means you are the one thinking about splitting up! just carry on as normal, don't think or talk about it and you should be fine=) hope this helps

  9. are the both of you insecure in your relationship? maybe both of you are just afraid of losing each other, which may have caused the both of you to have dreams like that. remember, what you really worry or are afraid about in your conscious mind (especially when you hold your feelings in) will come out through your dreams in your subconscious mind.

    having dreams about breaking up doesn't literally mean that you and your bf will break up. is there something bothering you right now in your relationship that may trigger you to have those dreams?  

  10. it means u must split up with him b4 the relationship takes a turn  4 the worst

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